You might be a cult member if...
you salute a uniformed Beagle that outranks you.
Turns out that members/victims of the cult of Scientology have to salute their leader's dog! From Nightline:
But these former senior Scientologists say as Miscavige's leadership progressed, he became increasingly eccentric.
"He got his beagle and he literally had somebody tailor a blue vest sweater for his beagle dog and made up epaulets, these Sea Org ranks in the Sea Organization," said Rathbun, referring to the religious order within the Church. "And he had four stripes put on, captain, for the dog. And he would bring the dog in. And if those guys didn't salute the dog, he would just viciously berate them and invalidate them."
Sounds ruff!
I recently saw L.Ron.Hubbard's books at Books-A-Billion featured in the Sci-Fi section. I mean I'm glad they were in Sci-Fi and not the religious text at least, but it was pretty obvious his company/cult paid to have them featured in their own display on the top shelf.
Didn't the Pope do that last month?
Fine, I'll say it:
Good Grief!
Somehow, the first image that popped into my mind on reading this is kinda the reverse: I imagined Miscavige in a furries suit. Hawt.
Hahahha at the first comment! win!
but what about christian? at least the dog is an alive creature; christian built a whole empire on a presumably-existed dead guy. I'd rather salute men's best friend than men's imaginary friend...
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