Afghan Faces Death Penalty for Converting to Christianity: Judge Says He Could Escape Punishment If He's Ruled Insane
Now that's the type of headline that makes my morning! Er, until I realize we "democratized" that country four years ago and they are still executing people for apostasy.
Found via Americablog, Here's some of the article:
Found via Americablog, Here's some of the article:
KABUL, Afghanistan, March 20, 2006 - Despite the overthrow of the fundamentalist Taliban government and the presence of 22,500 U.S. troops in Afghanistan, a man who converted to Christianity is being prosecuted in Kabul, and a judge said Sunday that if convicted, he faces the death penalty.Since our installment of Hamid Karzai as President after the overthrow of the Taliban, he is often jokingly referred to as the "Mayor of Kabul" since most of the country is still run by insane warlords. But this isn't happening in some remote village; It's happening in Kabul. Can someone explain? I mean, considering how Karzai is essentially this Administration's bitch, you'd think they would pressure him into making sure stuff like this didn't happen. Unless Afghanistan is way more fucked than anyone wants to acknowledge.
Abdul Rahman, who is in his 40s, says he converted to Christianity 16 years ago while working as an aid worker helping Afghan refugees in Pakistan.
Relatives denounced him as a convert during a custody battle over his children, and he was arrested last month. The prosecutor says Rahman was found with a Bible.
Presiding judge Ansarullah Mawlazezadah tells ABC News a medical team was checking the defendant, since the team suspects insanity caused Rahman to reject Islam.
"We will ask him if he has changed his mind about being a Christian," Mawlazezadah says. "If he has, we will forgive him, because Islam is a religion of tolerance."
I Myself am interested in Democracy. A True Democracy would allow people freedom of expression and religion. The man the will be executed is not represented.
You think *not* killing people for converting to christianity is a Western ideal that we are imposing on them?
Man, next we'll tell them stoning women is wrong. But maybe we should just respect those that stone women and not impose our insane Western lifestyle on them.
Human rights are not "Western ideals" they're just human rights.
You wrote:
A democracy is simply a government "for the people, by the people and of the people."
If that is true, then the government must protect the rights of a minority (christians, atheists, etc.)or else thay are not represented. Democracy does not mean that the majority dictate whatever laws they please, regardless of a contitution or basic human rights. Just because a majority may believe apostasy is punishable by death doesn't mean it should apply to all (or any) citizens...that 'law' is derived from a religion.
Now, I don't expect them to transform overnight or at the barrel of a gun, but c'mon. If you apply that logic to anything all you have to do is convince 51% of people that something is right.
Let's take teaching intelligent design. A majority of people believe it should be taught in Science classes, so we should do it even though it isn't science?
I'm sorry, I'm not with you on this. Not killing people for apostsy is not some crazy Western idea we are trying to ruin their culture over. It's just a human right not to be mudered for what you believe. ANY country that imposes a religious law has created an undemocratic law, regardless of how many people believe it is right.
Kung Pow,
You bbring up a lot of points. First of all, I didn't saw all Democratic law is atheistis. It should be secular, like the vast majority of laws here. That means it respects the rights of race, religion, etc.
You both seem to think Democracy means mob rule and 51% of the people can make up whatever they please. That's not the case, though because these types of countries have constitutions. In Afghanistans constitution it states that you have freedom of religion. It also states that all law will be based on the koran. Needless to say these are completely contradictory statements as the hadith commands you to murder all apostates.
You say these are my "opinions" on "supposed human rights" Given this logic, a society in your eyes could be created that would murder everyone with curly hhair. Overtime, the majority of people could be led to believe that this was right. Normal even. And because of that we must let them do it.
At some point the vast majority in this country thought women and blacks were inferior. Was that just an opinion or is there a truth to the situation and they were completely wrong?
What I'm saying is there are certain practices that are unacceptable no matter how many people believe them. We didn't live in a democracy when blacks and women (the majority of people) couldn't even vote. Afghans don't have freedom if they should decide, of their own free will to change faiths, they have to fear for their life. They are slaves to Kranic law.
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