Jan 9, 2009

MailBag DoucheBags

A reader makes a strange comparison:
You do not care why God allows suffering since it is quite apparent you do not believe He exists. Funny thing about that, in Iwo Jima they did not think the bomb existed, until it hit them. So you see, it really does not matter if you "believe" there is a God who is in control of everything, your belief, or non belief will not effect Him, but had the people of Japan known that USA would have dropped that bomb on them, I think they would not have bombed Pearl Harbor. Perhaps you should rethink your blasphemous attitude?
It's true that suffering doesn't negate the existence of god. "He" could exist and allow things like slavery to go on for centuries. It would just mean he is the biggest douche bag of all time.

And another:
God allows suffering because without suffering there is no such thing as joy, peace, etc. etc.
Clearly there can be peace without suffering. Peanut Butter exists independently of Jelly, even though it makes the other taste better.


Blogger Tony said...

Dizzying logic there.

5:21 PM  
Blogger Graeme said...

I'm not quite sure where the Iwo Jima analogy came from, what does a man-made nuclear weapon have to do with a belief in God? (Iwo Jima wasn't even hit by "the bomb", it was Hiroshima and Nagasaki.)

So because I don't believe in unicorns, does that mean I'm going to get poked in my ass tomorrow by a unicorn? Obviously we need to believe in everything if we're going to be safe from anything.

6:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"God allows suffering because without suffering there is no such thing as joy, peace, etc. etc."

If heaven's a place of eternal joy and peace, imagine the suffering that must come along with it!

What a pitiful argument.

10:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...had the people of Japan known that USA would have dropped that bomb on them, I think they would not have bombed Pearl Harbor" = God Exists!


10:40 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

"Heaven is a place where nothing ever happens." -David Byrne

Bad analogies abound! The problem with your peanut butter/peace analogy is that peanut butter is a tangible thing, that clearly exists independent of jelly. But peace is an abstract, that only is perceived in the absence of war.

I don't believe in god either, but even if there was one, it would probably allow suffering for a point of reference, for contrast. It would already be aware of how incredibly boring heaven is.

1:59 PM  
Blogger Matt Bors said...

forksmuggler: "FAIL."

EPIC FAIL, as they say.
Ron, I know my PB+J analogy wasn't perfect, but the real issue is the milk. It's just as crucial as the PB+J in making an enjoyable lunch. It never gets the credit.

4:16 PM  
Blogger Kevin Moore said...

"Did we give up when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?" - John Belushi, Animal House.

Matt, seriously, that is the best letter ever. I am actually jealous. I need to piss off more people.

8:27 PM  
Blogger Lord Zero - Biologo said...

You just need to steal a cracker from church. Hate mail its gonna be a given that way.

Anyway, Japs already knew about "nucular" boms. They just though than nobody would use it to vaporize a entire city, neither 2 times in a row.

Anyway, here we arent philosophers. So whatever we name concepts those still will exist. Even if war never had occurred ever in history, peace would be still the same relationship between any people characterized by respect, justice and goodwill.

Playing with around with definitions its childish. Name cow a pig. Its still a pig.

9:30 AM  
Blogger Sumit Khanna said...

Maybe if we hadn't placed an oil embargo on Japan they wouldn't have bombed Perl Harbor.

The writer is assuming a fact: that god exists. How? And don't give me some historical or biblical crap, show me how you can assume through some standard of repeatable and verifiable measure that god exists.

The sames goes for the afterlife; even more so. No one knows, I repeat, no one knows what happens after you die. No one can possibly know because of the definition of death. We have no idea what, if anything, we become. So those people really need to stop pretending that they do.

11:54 AM  
Blogger Matt Bors said...

I've always worked under the assumption that god doesn't exist and nothing happens when you die. If something does happen, I'd like to know about it, so I'm awaiting any compelling evidence. None ever comes.

3:09 PM  

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