What is it with Democrats and their empty Senate seats? Roland Burris comes off as a deranged megalomaniac who claims that god chose him to represent Illinois. And if anyone challenges his appointment...well, clearly only a racist who wants an all-white Senate would do that.
Then there is Caroline Kennedy, whom I cannot believe we are having a conversion about. You can probably guess from the tone of the cartoon how I feel about the constant advancement of their dynasty. Caroline's initial push for the seat went off as if she expected to slide into a Senate seat without answering a single question from the press or public. Can't the Democratic party can't find anyone better or more qualified to represent one of the most important and populated states in America?
Wednesday: Clint Eastwood's next movie
I still think that Fran Drescher would be a better choice, as someone who actually knows there's a Noo Yawk outside Manhattan. I can see the headlines now: "New York: The Nanny State".
We have several dynasties. I was born in 1982 and everyone in my generation has not known a time when a Clinton or Bush was not in the white house.
Reagan (81-89)/ Bush Sr VP
Bush Sr (89-93)/ President
Clinton (93-01)/ President
Bush Jr (01-09)/ President
Obama (09-?)/ Hillary SoS
I though the chain would be broken with Obama, but with Hillary as Secretary of State, it continues the Bush/Clinton dynasty.
Let's hope Jeb doesn't get in there. Bush Jr may have been an idiot, but Jeb Bush is just plain evil.
Hey! Being distantly related to a former Congressman in Queens got me free pizza one time. Don't deny me that!
Aaron, you will be sent to a reeducation camp to see the error of your elitist pepperoni and cheese ways.
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