New ACLU comic
While gay rights advocates protested outside of a DNC fundraiser, Obama was inside with celebrities cracking jokes about not following through on his promises on gay rights. Not so funny to Lt. Dan Choi, an Iraq veteran and Arab language translator recently booted out of the army for being gay.
And now you see why, on Inauguration Day, I was blasting the Who's "Won't Get Fooled Again" on an endless loop, cranking up the volume to it's loudest setting whenever the line "Meet the new boss, same as the old boss" came up.
Matt, I disagree with some of your views, but I'm glad you're taking Obama to task for his hypocrisy instead of giving him a free pass like others on the far-left are doing.
I know I've had this funny feeling in my stomach before... when did I have it last... was it after smelling some weird kind of FLOWERS... or after WHITEWATER rafting.. or was it after I TRIPPed...
This is 1993 all over again (cue up Whitney, Janet, Jon Secada, BoysIIMen, and UB40). Only this time, Sam Nunn is on our side.
All of these people have changed their minds on DADT...
Fmr. Sen. Sam Nunn,
Fmr. Joint Chief of Staff & Sec of State Colin Powell,
Fmr. Cmhn, Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Shalikashvili,
Fmr. Sec of Defense William Cohen,
…but the man who openly courted our vote – our time - our money - and succeeded to win, is now dragging his heels.
What is that feeling in my gut again... oh yes, that's it... BETRAYAL.
Every year, I feel more and more that organized political parties are about as useful and productive as organized religion. I hope that in my lifetime we see a viable 3rd, 4th... maybe even 5th party emerge to help drive the current political climate to a better place.
The current system is BROKEN. We're polarized into 2 ways of thinking, speaking, and doing anything - black/white, on/off, right/wrong, good/evil.
We are losing our ability, as a nation, to listen, debate, consider, and compromise. All we do is fight, sell, and do anything possible to "flip" a vote.
A very frustrated patriot in Mass.,
The current system is fairly well screwed, but isn't nearly as broken as the Repuglicans are.
The upside is that you don't actually have to waste any valuable moments of life or attention span taking seriously anything the Repugs say. All you have to know is that any given comment was made by a Russian Dimbulb parrot- then you can, in good conscience, click right off and go back to sleep.
The downside is that a viable, credible opposition does make for better government. At the moment, absent any believable opposition critics, even Obama supporters are forced to do that job for them.
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