I Saw It
Last week was the anniversary of the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. I was reminded of a comic that was handed off to me recently. "I Saw It" by Keiji Nakazawa is an autobiographical account of surviving Hiroshima as a young boy. Intense stuff.

Rarely do I ever see anything in comics that brings a little vomit to the back of my throat.
U-S-A! U-S-A!
The author also did a series of comics called "Barefoot Gen" (Hadashi no Gen), which was about a boy and his mom who survived the bombing and the aftermath.
About a year back I was working at a Japanese camp and this book was the most checked out at the library. Most of the kids reading it were not much older than 10.
Are there any comics on the Rape of Nanking or the Korean Forced Sex camps?
Yeah anon because one military atrocity committed against a group of civilians makes up for another military atrocity against another group of civilians.
I hate this kind of comment. Anytime someone tries to express a view about a horrific event someone else has to come in and start implying that the victims deserved it. Are people so divorced from human suffering that they can't look at one tragedy without immediately digging up another corpse to justify it?
The answer to your question is "yes."
For anyone who doesn't think that the japanese deserved a full measure of suffering perhaps you should look up "731" sometime.
The Japanese government was a horrible regime which committed disgusting acts. What makes saying that "the Japanese deserved this" odd, is that these bombs nuked not those in power, making these decisions (non democratically I might add)but killed civilians. Those horrible people in power had to surrender due to these two bombings, but at the cost of many non-combatants...sad at the very least.
"For anyone who doesn't think that the japanese deserved a full measure of suffering perhaps you should look up "731" sometime."
Yes Susan, it was "the Japanese" who were in 731. They are a hivemind, the Japanese women and children who died in Hiroshima were just as responsible for Unit 731's crimes as the soldiers who were in the unit.
BTW, about 20,000 Korean laborers died in Hiroshima in addition to all the Japanese civilian casualties. I suppose they also deserved it?
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