Mein Health

Medicare, Social Security and any number of popular government programs were decried as socialist takeovers in their day and are now seen as essential by the majority of Americans. Universal Health Care is politically untouchable in most western countries--even by many conservative politicians. Are they all HitlerMuslimFascists?
Sadly, it appears Dems will flush the public option down the crapper. Obama has squandered an incredible amount of political capital here. To have a 60 vote majority and not come away with a public option on this is an embarrassment and indictment of our legislative process. The removal of the end of life consultations from the bill can be directly traced to Sarah Palin posting a lie about it on Facebook. This can only be described as completely fucking insane.
I've got more health care cartoons coming this week. Probably some more after that, as well. I'll stop if Democrats ever pass something that resembles real reform.
I work at a VA Medical Center. The other day I saw a vet walking into our excellent, damn-near-free pharmacy with a shirt reading to the effect of 'hands off my health care' like those cretins at town halls wear. That's funny on so many levels.
"I do not belong to an organized political party, I'm a Democrat"-Will Rodgers
The Dems are going to screw this up big time. Hope you have a lot of material if you plan on posting Health care cmoics until there is reform.
Oh, the Dems will supply all the material.
I'm convinced that Obama, Reid and most of the rest of the Democratic "leadership" never had any intention of achieving meaningful reform, only cosmetic changes that would do nothing to disturb the obscene profits of the medical industrial complex. There's just too much campaign finance money and post-government lobbying jobs/corporate board positions involved for political insiders to want real change.
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