Mar 15, 2010

Pedophiles grossed out by lesbians

The Catholic Church, the most prolific pedophile ring in history - even establishing its own city, has recently booted toddlers out of one of its schools for having parents that apparently love each other, but also happen to have vaginas. This kind of discrimination, by a prolific pedophile ring no less, should probably be illegal. But so should pedophile rings. I'm outraged by the story while also pleased that the chances of these two children being molested by pedophiles has now been significantly reduced.

This story comes as news that the pedophile ring's current leader, Joe Ratzinger, didn't blink when a known pedophile was placed under him in a position where he could rape more children and rob them of their innocence, which, of course, he did.

Wednesday: Glenn Beck. He's crazy.


Blogger SFJazz said...

Yes, the most hypocritical institution in history continues in its disgusting practices. No surprise there.

The interesting thing to note is how these conservative organizations are engaging in a unified assault on progressive policies. In addition to this story, there's the story of Catholic Charities in D.C. dropping medical coverage for all spouses rather than succumb to the law mandating health coverage for partners of gay employees. In Texas they have made radical (and insane) changes to public school history texts to be more conservative (read: lies) and less progressive (read: facts).

All in all what we're seeing is the conservative infrastructure engaging in a scorched earth all-out assualt on progressive achievemants. They are fighting their final war in a last gasp to hang on to what's left of their dying culture.

3:45 PM  
Blogger Pastor Farm said...

When you say pedophile ring enough it starts to sound funny. Reminds of of those old Wisk commercials.

12:10 AM  

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