The Pen Is Mightier Than A Bunch Of Nutcases
Right Wingers who applaud the Muhammad cartoons as valuable free speech spent the day smearing Tom Toles for his, with segments on O'Reilly, Hannity, and Scarborough dedicated to it. Meanwhile, in the blogosphere right wingers post the Muhammad comics to make some sort of defiant statement against muslims, whom they hate, and masquerade it as standing up for freedom.
If only they had an inkling of what free speech is. Like the Muslims who want to attack an entire nation over some comics, they are the enemy of free speech and seek to squash out any dissent. Such is the case with the Tom Toles cartoon.

Clay Bennett, President of the Association of American Editorial Cartoonists, said:
Ted Rall, Cagle, and Shannon Wheeler all chime in on the Muhammad controversy.
If only they had an inkling of what free speech is. Like the Muslims who want to attack an entire nation over some comics, they are the enemy of free speech and seek to squash out any dissent. Such is the case with the Tom Toles cartoon.

Clay Bennett, President of the Association of American Editorial Cartoonists, said:
"It appears they [the Joint Chiefs] interpret cartoons as accurately as they do pre-war intelligence," Bennett said. The Pulitzer Prize-winning cartoonist for The Christian Science Monitor added: "It was a tough cartoon on [Defense Secretary Donald] Rumsfeld, but he certainly deserves tough cartoons."
Ted Rall, Cagle, and Shannon Wheeler all chime in on the Muhammad controversy.
You spelled Clay Bennett's name wrong, just FYI.
Holy crap... did you see Ted Rall on Hannity & Colmes last night?
Somebody needs to make Ted an honorary "zen-master"... I don't think I could have stopped myself from hitting Hannity in the face. He was uncommonly prick-ish last night.
What does that mean? He has no soul? WTF?
Unfortunately I missed it.
Yeah, Ted did an awesome, awesome job. My favorite part was when he called Hannity "dude."
I also love that Hannity told Ted "you have no soul."
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