Muhammad Comics
Michelle Malkin and other right-wingers are leading the charge in support of the Danish cartoonists. I wonder why they are the first to lose their minds over a Ted Rall or Tom Toles cartoon? Because they are also religious fundamentalists and do not believe in free speech any more than the muslims who would like to murder the Danish cartoonists.
Many leftist cartoonists and bloggers in public and private have taken a position of "Sure, I support the right to make bigoted cartoons, but I'm not going to get behind them when they set out to offend muslims."
I strongly disagree. First, what would be the reaction if the tables were turned? How would Michelle Malkin and liberals react to comics that were drawn deliberately to offend christians? I'm sure there have been plenty of offensive things done to Christ, but lets make it really nasty. Let's say comics depicting Jesus sodomizing his mother and having sex with another man and animals. Pat Robertson would immediately call for God to strike them down, Fred Phelps would go picket something, and Michelle Malkin would talk of the religious intolerance in this country.
But imagine it went further; buildings being burned down, death threats, cartoonists in hiding. All the left would be talking about was the christian fascists running this country and how these people are in-fucking-sane and need to learn to accept free speech even if it is offensive. They wouldn't care if the original intention was to piss off christians or not because the proper reaction is not to burn down buildings and threaten people's lives.
Secondly, I don't think many of the cartoons were that offensive or bigoted at all. The cartoon below, for example, seems like a simple reference to the challenge itself (given by a children's book author stating that no artist would illustrate a book on Muhammad unless it was anonymous.)

And this is a comment on the author's challenge itself, making fun of him for the publicity stunt.

The rest, to me, seem to criticize fundamentalist Islam. A new article in the London Times confirms they are not racist right wingers:
All the cartoonists are now in hiding, with 24 hour police protection. They were paid $128.67 for the comics.

How about just sending an angry letter to their Editor? Maybe a boycott if it's that important.

....or burning down their foreign embassy, I guess that works too. Maybe tie the cartoonists to a post inside. Roast 'em up nice.
Many leftist cartoonists and bloggers in public and private have taken a position of "Sure, I support the right to make bigoted cartoons, but I'm not going to get behind them when they set out to offend muslims."
I strongly disagree. First, what would be the reaction if the tables were turned? How would Michelle Malkin and liberals react to comics that were drawn deliberately to offend christians? I'm sure there have been plenty of offensive things done to Christ, but lets make it really nasty. Let's say comics depicting Jesus sodomizing his mother and having sex with another man and animals. Pat Robertson would immediately call for God to strike them down, Fred Phelps would go picket something, and Michelle Malkin would talk of the religious intolerance in this country.
But imagine it went further; buildings being burned down, death threats, cartoonists in hiding. All the left would be talking about was the christian fascists running this country and how these people are in-fucking-sane and need to learn to accept free speech even if it is offensive. They wouldn't care if the original intention was to piss off christians or not because the proper reaction is not to burn down buildings and threaten people's lives.
Secondly, I don't think many of the cartoons were that offensive or bigoted at all. The cartoon below, for example, seems like a simple reference to the challenge itself (given by a children's book author stating that no artist would illustrate a book on Muhammad unless it was anonymous.)

And this is a comment on the author's challenge itself, making fun of him for the publicity stunt.

The rest, to me, seem to criticize fundamentalist Islam. A new article in the London Times confirms they are not racist right wingers:
In an interview with a Swedish newspaper this week, some of the cartoonists expressed their doubts about the entire episode. “It felt a little like a lose-lose situation. If I said no, I was a coward who contributes to self-censorship. If I said yes, I became an irresponsible hate monger against Islam,” one of the cartoonists said.
Another said: “I was actually angry when I first received the letter [from Jyllands-Posten]. I thought it was a really bad idea. At first I didn’t want to participate, but then I talked it over with some friends from the Middle East, and they thought I should do it.”
The cartoonists come from a variety of different political backgrounds, which is reflected in their work. While some of the pictures satirise Muhammad, others attack populist right-wing politicians and even Jyllands-Posten itself, which is rightwing.
All the cartoonists are now in hiding, with 24 hour police protection. They were paid $128.67 for the comics.

How about just sending an angry letter to their Editor? Maybe a boycott if it's that important.

....or burning down their foreign embassy, I guess that works too. Maybe tie the cartoonists to a post inside. Roast 'em up nice.
I have to disagree with the above comment. The cartoons in question are hardly comparable to one showing Jesus getting a bj. As has been noted by many, Arab cartoons have not been gentle towards America or Israel--not that they should be. We all know hypocrisy when we see it. I am a stickler when it comes to free speech. You either have it or you don't. The recent statement by the Vatican about "free expression being OK "except" is a ridiculous statement. There can be no "except." If a people can't monitor what is offensive for themselves, then too bad. The fear of offending someone is an insidious form of censorship. Anyone who does editorial cartoons must reject it completely. My point is that nothing should be off limits. The other poster is correct whan stating that accommodation's are made for some groups and not others. This stems from that miserable "political correctness" gene that editors all seem to have.
I agree with david. There is no exception.
As for 'social democracy now' you said "This is a campaign of deliberate provocation in order to confirm and perpetuate myths of the 'clash of civilizations.'" So, did someone make muslims react in the radical way they did? something to illustrate a culture gap? No matter how tired the right wings rhetoric about a culture gap is, there apparently is one. The west would not have this type of reaction to comics.
All of the offensive comic subject matter you refer to should have the ability to be printed. Your idea for holocaust comics are pretty offensive, if they were printed they would be spoken out against, but the proper reaction wouldn't be setting buildings on fire and calling for beheadings. This is my whole point.
A few other things, Matt:
• The cartoonists were only paid $73 each for their work, in the article I read.
• THe cartoons do show diverse views. One of the other cartoons actually calls the Danish newspaper a bunch of right-wing provocateurs. But calling Mohammed a terrorist or a devil is still a bigoted cartoon in my opinion.
• The cartoonists themselves don't want the cartoons reprinted and tried to stop it--how is it supporting cartoonists' rights to fan the flames that are leading to their being threatened with death?
-I thought I read 73 pounds, so I converted it.
-I'm not talking about supporting the right to fan the flames, but neither are the muslims who are the most outspoken on this. They think anyone who violates their laws must die. The cartoons were printed once, so that is enough to warrant death, althought the issue was exacerbated by the reprinting, which was viewed as a slap in the face.
I have no problem with them being printed again though. But it should be in the right context, such as discussing this whole thing and presenting the original comics. printing them just for the hell of it is pretty dumb.
I can understand the Muslims for being upset about this issue,, but why don't they get this upset when someone beheads someone in the name of Allah, or crashes airplanes into buildings in the name of Islam? I see THAT as a double standard and I feel those who are in such violent protest of this comic should get their priorities straight.
Firstly, they (Muslims)respect the beliefs of others, including free speech, so they say. But, when a social dilemma appears, they kill, burn, threaten, torture, etc., all because they are offended and really don't support free speech. All they care to hear is free speech that they approve of.
Coincidently, they also do not like being called Moslems because that sounds similar to the Saudi word "suppressor." Do you think there might be a connection between them often times being called Moslems and the way in which they conduct themselves? Don't go to Saudi Arabia and praise Jesus Christ in public, they will incarcerate you (suppression, but of course, really supporting free speech, supposedly).
The atrocities of I-Slam (I'm sorry, Islam)probably could fill a library and certainly, in my opinion, makes the atrocities of the Christian churches dwarfed in comparison.
Maybe I don't have it right, maybe it would be wrong to call them Moslems instead of Muslims. But, with Christ, the seeds of the liberation of women were sown. With Mohammed, the seeds of suppression were sown. There never was a women's movement in the middle east, and that can be traced directly back to Mohammed, the "prophet."
Yes, its a stupid comic, I do agree with that.
Alas, I am open to make jokes about anything. My religion, my disablities, my family. I belive in the freedom of speech.
I also belive in common sense. We know that the Middle East is in a tense situation, and why the hell would someone go out of their way to make a bad situaion worse? Make things worse for the unfortunate troops that are there, along with other innocent lives?
As far as one person saying that Muslims were not upset by the 911 attacks, you need to open your eyes. I clearly remember so many Muslims that were outraged by the attack on their country. Muslims are Americans too. I also remember our local vetrenary hospital here (owned by a Muslim) being dystroed due to his religious followings.
Everyone here needs to take a chill pill. Muslims and non-Muslims alike. Instead of adding fuel to the fire, its time to start putting it out.
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