Feb 24, 2005

I'm leaving Ohio travelling for the next week. Monday and Thursday's comics will be updated whenever I find an internet connection. In the mean time here's a tribute to Hunter S. Thompson:

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Feb 21, 2005

"Myths and legends die hard in America. We love them for the extra dimension they provide, the illusion of near-infinite possibility to erase the narrow confines of most men's reality. Weird heroes and mould-breaking champions exist as living proof to those who need it that the tyranny of ''the rat race'' is not yet final." -Hunter S. Thompson

Robot Death Squads

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How could I make this stuff up? New York Times article.

Feb 18, 2005

Reality Funnies

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Feb 17, 2005

Web Comics Radio

Digital Strips is a weekly web radio show that highlights and discusses different webcomics each Monday. Their blog has a lot of good comics news too.

oh, and Scott McClellan's Fat Face is back.

Feb 16, 2005

Comics Ain't Art?

That's what Don Simpson, creator of Megaton Man says on his new blog. It's bad enough he's using the same blog template as me, but now he's denouncing the medium he works in as "reading material for adolescents – or older, emotionally stunted subliterates". Read it and be baffled...here

Feb 15, 2005

Poetic Justice

Yesterday Alan Keye's daughter spoke at a rally declaring herself a "liberal queer". You remeber Alan Keyes, fanatic opposer of the "homosexual agenda" and radical Christian conservative. Happy Valentine's day Alan!

I love how the ones who preach intolerance are the ones who have gay family members (or are gay themselves) and the ones who talk of being "pro-family" and blast Clinton for his infidelities are the ones cheating on their wives and making harassing phone calls to co-workers.

Feb 14, 2005

Hope in America

H.O.P.E., which is an acronymn for Horrified Observers of Pedestrian Entertainment, is a website dedicated mainly to the fall of Ashlee Simpson and Paris Hilton. The address is hopeinamerica.com

In addition to an open letter to Ashlee they have a CD exchange program.
from their website:
H.O.P.E. is offering the good people of America who have been duped into buying Ashlee Simpson's CD a reprieve; the opportunity to turn in her CD for one of a higher entertainment quality.

Possible replacement CDs include Elvis Costello, The Ramones, X, Jimmy Page and Robert Plant, Aretha Franklin, Mr. Bungle, Ray Charles, Abe Lincoln Story, Neil Hamburger, Joni Mitchell, and Brian Wilson. These are not endorsements of the CDs we are sending.

Due to the overwhelming response, and the public's suggestions of other substandard artists for trade, this exchange will continue indefinitely and will be expanded to include other artists who are detrimental to the public's well being. We will also accept any Britney Spears, Jennifer Lopez, Nick Lachey, Jessica Simpson, Creed, or Paris Hilton album.

Ownership Society Survivor Kit.

This week's cartoon is the campanion of the Moral Values Survivor Kit from December.

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I also took a stab at the whole Spongebob debacle last week. I wish I would have somehow tied it into Valentine's day, but I'm usually oblivious to manufactured holidays. New Idiot Box on Thursday and a one pager this weekend,

Feb 8, 2005

random comics

These were drawn on some receipts while listening to a horrible band at a bar and drinking 'Arrogant Bastard Ale'.

Feb 3, 2005

100th strip!

Today's comic is the 100th strip and marks Idiot Box's move into it's third year. If the strip seems familiar it's because I did a similar strip a few months ago. Over the next year I'll be making some of the strips I've done lately recurring including Hipsters of America, News Briefs, Little Factoids, and more.

clickto enlarge

P.S. you can get thhe first collection of idiot Box 'a pamphlet for torture enthusiasts here.

state of the union

A pretty predictable speech I thought. He ranted about freedom, said 'nucular' a bunch, lied about his agenda, and managed never to say Osama Bin laden, gay marriage, or privatization. The most blatant distortion was social security privatization which we are now calling 'personal acounts'. Bush essentially claimed that any money you put in the stock market will grow onward and upward forever. His lies about when it will go bankrupt drew rather loud groaning from the democrats, my favorite non-ridiculous moment.

Their new approach to defining the war on terror is interesting. All of the sudden we are fighting Tyranny? I was worried in the beginning. He didn't say 'freedom' or 'liberty' very much, but in the end really laid it on thick, using the terms about three times a minute towards the end....I loved it.

Harry Reid's response could have been the most boring speech I've ever heard. We need people like Waxman, Boxer, and Dean who positions vary greatly from Bush's agenda and whose speeches invigorate you, not put you to sleep.

Another note: Bush said home ownership is as high as it's ever been. This is true. It's increased every year since they began recording it over 50 years ago which might lead you to believe that isn't a result of any of Bush's policies.