Oct 27, 2005

Dress Up A Bush Crony For Halloween

Check out my new full page strip at campuprogress.org. August Pollak and Brian McFadden also created some rather funny halloween strips.

Oct 26, 2005

Inside The Psy-Ops Studio with James Lipton

here's an article I wrote for the Buffalo Beast in the form of a transcript of James Lipton interviewing Corine Lombardo, the shamed military spokesperson who shilled for Bush during the recent teleconference. It somewhat of a companion piece to my comic last week.

Two articles worth your time

The first is Eric Alterman's current column in Nation which tackles a problem I suggest in this week's comic: Why won't Democrats tackle issues an overwhelming majority of Americans want solved?

Here is the liberals' problem in a nutshell: More than 30 percent of Americans happily answer to the appellation "conservative," while 18 percent call themselves "liberal." And yet when questioned by pollsters, a super-majority of more than 60 percent take positions liberal in everything but name. Indeed, on many if not most issues, Americans hold views well to the left of those espoused by almost any national Democratic politician.

In a May survey published by the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press, 65 percent of respondents said they favor providing health insurance to all Americans, even if it means raising taxes, and 86 percent said they favor raising the minimum wage. Seventy-seven percent said they believe the country "should do whatever it takes to protect the environment.'' A September Gallup Poll finds that 59 percent consider the Iraq War a mistake and 63 percent agree that US forces should be partially or completely withdrawn. Continue reading

The second article was brought to my attention by Ben Adler over at Campus Progress. It's a New York Times article about the environmental devastation of gold mining. I knew it was bad, but I had no idea it was like this:

The price of gold is higher than it has been in 17 years - pushing $500 an ounce. But much of the gold left to be mined is microscopic and is being wrung from the earth at enormous environmental cost, often in some of the poorest corners of the world.


Consider a ring. For that one ounce of gold, miners dig up and haul away 30 tons of rock and sprinkle it with diluted cyanide, which separates the gold from the rock. Before they are through, miners at some of the largest mines move a half million tons of earth a day, pile it in mounds that can rival the Great Pyramids, and drizzle the ore with the poisonous solution for years. Continue Reading...

Oct 24, 2005

New Toon

The Republicans are rotting with corruption. Are the Democrats asleep? No, they have an even less effective strategy.

I've got a new one pager and some other stuff coming late this week.

click to enlarge

And be sure to buy the new book.

Oct 20, 2005

John Bolton Undercover

I've got a new full page comic on Bolton in the current issue of the Seattle Stranger.

The Need For Speed!

Ever wonder why I can apply my deodorant .36 seconds faster than you? It probably has something to do with the fact that I have ergonomically designed grips on my shit and your using the old primitive design from last week! Get with the program you smelly sonuvabitch!

leave the competition in the dust!

Idiot Box in Vermont!

The alt. weekly Seven Days has picked up Idiot Box! Welcome newfound hippy readers!

Oct 17, 2005

Jump Blogging

"I started taking jump pictures regularly in early 2002..."

the rest, as they say, is photo blogging history.

New Toon

Want to be a professional propangandist? Go to college at The Film School of the Americas! This comic was inspired by recent staged teleconference with Bush and soldiers in Iraq. In case you missed it, this weekend the Village Voice further uncovered that one of these soldiers is a military spokesperson.

I have somewhat of a companion piece for this comic that will be printed in the Buffalo Beast later this week. I'll keep you posted.

click to enlarge

And be sure to buy the new book.

Oct 11, 2005

World War 3 is here!

The long awaited issue #36 of World War 3 Illustrated is finally here and I'm proud to say I'm a contributor. Peter Kuper, Joe Sacco, Steve Brodner, and a slew of other artists more notable than me are in this 25th Anniverssary issue.

Here is the new website for the book. Order here from Top Shelf. Here is the official press release:
WW3 is the longest running zine in history.

Co-founded by Seth Tobocman and Peter Kuper, WW3 was born on Manhattan's Lower East Side and has been a platform for political art and comics from the rise of Ronald Reagan to nightmare of G.W.Bush.

The new issue,"Neo Con" #36 edited by Ryan Inzana and Peter Kuper, includes a wraparound cover by Sue Coe and art, articles and comics by "the usual gang of agitators" including Eric Drooker, Seth Tobocman, Sabrina Jones, Mac Mcgill, Ryan Inzana, James Romberger,Chuck Sperry, Nicole Shulman (who co-edited a recent book on the history of the Wobblies ) plus a nine page strip by Zap comix luminary, Spain written byJustin Wertham , Joe Sacco's account as an embedded journalist in Iraq, Princes Of Darkness an article on the history of Neo Cons by Eric Laursen as well as comics and illustrations by Steve Brodner,Tom Tomorrow, Sam Weber, Barron Storey, Barry Blitt, David Rees, Knickerbocker, Matt Bors, Tauno Biltsted, Felix Sockwell and Thomas Fuchs. For the first time in our history WW3 includes a color section with a new installment of Peter Kuper's Richie Bush and Penny Allen's WAR IS HELL a "Fumetti" (photo comic) assembled with photos by an American Sgt. in Iraq with his running commentary.

Oct 10, 2005

Nation Readers Respond To Revised Science Textboks for Christians

My comic the other week in the Nation caused some Christians to write in complaining of making a blanket statement against 'Christians' instead of 'fundamentalists' or 'right-wingers'. They only printed one, but you may find my reponse interesting, which I did in comic form.

New Toon

I tried something a little different this week and made my comic look like a USA Today, that excellent resource of news. While it's not as satisfying as drawing a real comic, I felt like experimenting and needed a way to tell a slew of unrelated, time-sensitive jokes. Be sure to let me know what you think. And be sure to buy the new book.

click to enlarge

Oct 6, 2005

Faded, Cracked T-Shirts are out. Terror is in.

Terror Fashion?

The only amusing thing I've ever found while looking through Michelle Malkin's blog.

Andy Singer Interview

Alternative cartoonist Andy Singer has a short interview with Minnesota Public Radio available here.

Oct 5, 2005

Recent Comics That Don't Suck

Bush plays Sim City in New Orleans.

Cronyism infiltrates high school.

August pounds out excess spending.

Mikhaela illustrates a body repair manual.

Oct 4, 2005

We Are In The End Times

"Hollaback Girl" first song with one million commercial downloads

For the first time since the advent of commercial digital music downloads, a recording has passed the 1,000,000 mark in download sales. The song, former Billboard #1 “Hollaback Girl” from Gwen Stefani’s debut album Love. Angel. Music. Baby., had sales of approximately 995,000 downloads as of Friday, September 30. The recording has averaged 15,000 downloads per week since it’s release on November 25, 2004.

Indeed, the end is near. Like all apocalyptic scripture 'Hollabackgirl' has a multi-layered meaning. You must understand it before the Lord returns.

Oct 3, 2005

New Toon

TV Shows That Didn't Make the Cut

I have few more ideas for TV show spoofs, so expect another one next month.

click to enlarge