Jul 29, 2005

Fan Mail!

A thoughtful fan writes:
Hi, I just wanted to say you're an idiotic fool and some reasons behind it. You put down "conservatives" because they disagree with you and your puppet agenda. Yet, I recall your favorite president, Mr. Bill Clinton, screwing around his office and then going to Kosovo to cover it up. If you deny that, then you're an even bigger idiot than I thought. What a hypocrite you are... and a sad excuse of a man.
I post this to point something out. Can conservatives get over Clinton cheating on Hillary? They seem to still be very much obsessed with it. I'm not sure what caused this man to assume that Clinton was my favorite president, or how anything Clinton did has anything to do with what's happening now, but if they can't figure out a better way to defend the neoconservatives who are destroying our country it will be very beneficial to the left.

On second thought it

Conservative Comics Part I

Thanks to thismodernworld.com for posting this.

Can Sean Hannity, G. Gordon Liddy, and Oliver North save America from an Orwellian nightmare of ultra-leftist oppression?

If you are as excited about this premise as I am do yourself a favor and check out Liberality the new comic book series set in the future, where our three 'heroes' (two of them convicted criminals I might add) try to save the world from....well, this:
Two decades of negotiation with the U.N., and America’s administration of 2021 (President Chelsea Clinton and Vice President Michael Moore), has culminated in a truce with fundamentalist Islamic terrorists, or so America is told. The honorable ambassador from Afghanistan has come to NYC to address the U.N., his name is Usama Bin Laden.

Read the full synopsis here.

Seriously though, couldn't they use some conservatives who weren't convicted criminals? I know the list is getting shorter every day, but Liddy and North! Maybe use conservatives that haven't advocated murdering federal agents. But hey, I guess it comes back to the old saying that one persons insane right wing terrorist superhero of the future is another persons freedom fighter.

Early next week I'll be writing about another Right Wing comic I've discovered.

Jul 27, 2005

New Comic

A full page comic I did on all the super sweet aspects Mountaintop Removal Mining is up at campuprogress.org

By Monday I should have a link to a five page comic I collaborated on with Neil Kleid, a comic book artist in NYC.

Jul 25, 2005

Rove, kiddie rape, and other exciting news

So the Rove Leak story is so big I just had to make an oversized comic for this week. Check the blog Wednesday afternoon for a new full page comic.

click to enlarge

Things just keep getting worse for the Bush administration. This week Bush is attempting to block the release of the most revealing and damaging evidence of rampant, sadistic, torture, rape, and murder in our prison camps. What will the torture apologists like Rush Limbaugh say when a video of a young boy being raped in his ass by an American soldier is released?

Of course the rest of the world has known for quite a while now. I remember reading about it at thismodenworld.com is over a YEAR ago. I thought the story would explode, but apparently I (mis)underestimated the apathy of the American people and our pathetic press.

Also, apparently Rove was fired from Bush Sr.'s 1992 election campaign for leaking information to....Robert Novak!

Jul 21, 2005

Man Of War

I have a new full page comic in the Seattle Stranger. Go READ

Update: I forgot to mention this comic will be in the next issue of World War 3 Illustrated.

Gulf War II Syndrome?

In the current issue of the Nation there is a small write up about Depleted Uranium poisoning. Gulf War II syndrome hasn't been talked about yet on any real level, but if/when it happens it will more widespread, especially to the civilians of Iraq. I wonder if the government will 'support our troops' then or if it will be dismissed like the last time.


John S. Friedman writes: A group of soldiers who served in Iraq plan to file a lawsuit within a month in Federal District Court against the Army for violating its regulations by not offering safeguards against exposure to depleted uranium, used in tank armor and artillery, and for not providing adequate medical treatment.


A child of Gerard Matthew, conceived after the father returned from Iraq, was born with a deformed hand and missing fingers. Matthew, a member of a transport unit from Harlem, blames his exposure to DU-laden dust. Asked about the soldiers' symptoms, an Army spokesperson said, "These concerns are not likely attributed to exposure to depleted uranium."

Jul 20, 2005

In Iraq women lose

An article in today's New York Times describe's how the draft of Iraq's new constiution is chipping away at women's rights:
The document's writers are also debating whether to drop or phase out a measure enshrined in the interim constitution, co-written last year by the Americans, requiring that women make up at least a quarter of the parliament.
Yeah, that's affirmative action for women, dammit! Those pesky women always want to be equal in the eyes of the law. Aren't they aware that Koranic laws are higher than those of man?
women's groups are incensed by Article 14, which would repeal a relatively liberal personal status law enacted in 1959 after the British-backed monarchy was overthrown by secular military officers. That law remained in effect through the decades of Mr. Hussein's rule.
So, just to review, women will have less freedom than they did under Saddam Hussein.

Jul 19, 2005


One of the things that keeps me busy is doing illustrations for CampusProgress.org, a web publication set up by the Center for American Progress. July 13th was their first annual National Student Conference and they were nice enough to fly me down to hang out. Bill Clinton was the keynote speaker, I met a bunch of college kids, and drank a lot afterwards (not during the event as kids apparently do at College Republican Conventions). Here are some pictures of the backdrop I designed.

For a larger shot of my original file click here

I got to meet the staff of Campus Progress I've been working with including August Pollak of XQUZYPHYR & Overboard. I also met Katrina Vanden Heuvel and David Rees, who were panelists during the conference.

Clinton's speech and all the other speeches and panels are available here.

photos, blogs, and other stuff concerning the conference are here.

Jul 18, 2005

I Suck At Spelling!

My third grade comprehension level of spelling and grammar is embarrassing. I'm sure regular readers (if any) have noticed many errors that passed under my nose and into my hastily typed blog posts. Most of the errors in the comic are fixed, but sometimes, like yesterday, one slips through. Today's example was the word 'their' found in my newest toon the Sluts of Guantanamo Bay.If there is ever a spelling error printed in my comics again and you spot it I will give you an expensive prize to punish myself.

Karl Rove: The Architect

I couldn't think of a better time to post this. This was done immediately after the election when Bush referred to Rove as the Architect. I don't have much to add to the controversy that someone hasn't already said. Check out Americblog.org for constant coverage of Rove-Gate.

The only thing I would mention that I haven't heard anyone comment on during this whole thing is that Rove was the original source for the allegations of cocaine abuse revealed by JH Hatfield in Fortunate Son, the controversial biography of Bush from the run up to the 2000 election coup. This seems to be Rove's M.O. and the popular conspiracy theory that Rove had a hand in the forged CBS documents seems to be more plausible every day. Rove took a New England blue-blood, alchoholic, failure and turned him into a two term president and dynastic heir. And now Bush is showing how gracious he is by protecting him.

clickto enlarge

Jul 17, 2005

The Blog is back.

So my plans to change the template of the blog of course didn't work. I decided to start posting again as a lot has been going on lately and will be posting regularly. Lots of things should be going up in the next week or two as I catch up on what's been happening.

I've come to the conclusion I will never be able to enact such amazing features as comments and an operational archive, but will try to enlist the help of a more computer savvy person.

I'll keep this one short as I just needed to get something up to get back in the groove. You can write me idiotbox@mattbors.com.


..the blog.