Feb 28, 2010

Aerial Activism

I'm a little late with a Joe Stack cartoon – my schedule sometimes does that to me – but I wanted to point out that white privilege apparently extends to domestic terrorism. Glenn Greenwald wrote well about the media's inability to drop the T-word on a non-Muslim.

Just imagine the discussion if: Joe Stack was a radical Muslim. Joe Stack was a black militant Marxist opposed to capitalism. Joe Stack as he was, but with a larger plane that killed, say, one hundred people instead on one. Tinkering with one small factor such as race or religion is the deciding factor in whether conservatives will set up a Facebook shrine for the attacker or for the imposition of martial law. They are unprincipled maniacs.

I'm sure we'll see more attacks soon.

Wednesday: More Tim Burton Remakes

Feb 27, 2010

It Had To Happen

Behold: an editorial cartoonist labels his cartoon an "editorial cartoon."

Douglas MacGregor
The News-Press
Feb 27, 2010

Feb 26, 2010

Illustration Friday

A woman puts on makeup in her car while tossing trash out the window.

Feb 23, 2010

Social Networking

It's easy to forget that sites like Facebook don't exist simply for the sublime pleasure of reuniting you with high school classmates you vaguely remember, but actually seek to make a ton of money collecting personal data to sell targeted advertising and map consumer habits. If a corporation, government agency or religious institution presented us with that plan on paper, we'd be repulsed... so someone made it fun!

Won't you be my Facebook friend?


From last night's New Oregon Interview Series on urban planning. Below is Portland Monthly editor Randy Gragg and architect Brad Cloepfil. The sketch of mayor Sam Adams is not included since it turned out looking like poo.

I got lucky at the after party – by which I mean I won an oversized Coors shirt in a bar raffle. Finally I can dress to impress.

Developmentally Designed?

It has always puzzled me that the people who ascribe the most insanely vindictive qualities to their god do so approvingly.

Feb 22, 2010

Oh No Yoo Didn't

Not only does John Yoo inexplicably live outside of a prison - he teaches law. See TPM's latest on his fun legal theories for killing and torturing people.

Mailbag Douchebag

William writes:
Do your research and you will discover that GEORGE is as statist as BARACK Wake up and smell the coffee BOY. The good news is that Arkansas may elect the first openly republican black female to the congress ever.

I am going TEABAG at your tea party if you can figure that one out you RACIST SOB
I cannot figure that one out.

Nuclear Family

This might be amusing or might be dumb. More on Wednesday.

Feb 21, 2010

Celebrity Rehab

This is running today in The Oregonian.

clicky for biggie

Aaron Campbell, an unarmed black man, was shot dead by Portland cops recently. The citizenry here is rightfully outraged and Jesse Jackson touched down a few days ago as city leaders rushed to contain the damage. (I think Sharpton lands this coming week.) There's too many local references to explain here, but here are some Oregonian articles if you'd like to read more about the shooting.

Feb 19, 2010

Illustration Friday

Someone leaves their dog's huge turds for others to clean up.

And an illustration for the ACLU. They've filed a lawsuit on behalf of a college student who was detained and interrogated at an airport for being armed with Arabic flashcards. Who knows what can happen if you learn Arabic.

Feb 17, 2010


You may have noticed that our government has ground to a halt due to Republican obstruction. At this point I think they would block funds to build a 300-foot statue of Ronald Reagan on the White House lawn – even if it peed on poor people. This is the party that, during the Bush years, whined about not getting "up or down" votes on every fascist Bush wanted on the bench. Not that Democrats keep consistent views on the filibuster when they are out of power.

At bare minimum, old white men who want to filibuster should be forced to physically do it and shut the government down. Let them talk endlessly for days and weeks to block health care reform while liberal groups wheel out dying grandmas with red tape over their mouths for the cameras and see who wins that PR war.

What I find most amazing in all this is that Republicans are not doing anything the rules of the Senate don't allow them to do. It starts out as a ridiculously undemocratic institution, then makes up rules for itself so that some hick in a flyover state can shaft the entire country out of spite.

Pundits like to point out that our founding fathers, in their infinite wisdom, designed the Senate to move at a glacial pace to prevent rushing headlong down some dangerous path. And hooray for that. Whether it's freeing slaves, letting women vote or being the last industrialized country to provide health care to all its citizens, Senators know it's best to sit on things for a few centuries and mull it over. Well, unless there is a country that needs bombed.

Feb 16, 2010


What August says.

Meet The Press...And Finally The Cartoonist!

Editor and Publisher reports David Gregory has caved to the non-stop vigilance of Bors Blog :
"Meet The Press" said Tuesday that the failure of host David Gregory to credit the cartoonist for cartoons aired on the show was "a completely unintentional oversight" - and that they will be recognized in all future shows.
They actually credit Rob Tornoe's blog post on Monday with getting the ball rolling. I happen to know that Tornoe is but one opinion-maker in my vast and faithful readership, which includes the President, The Black Eyed Peas and Wolf Blitzer, a dear friend.

I'm content to be the wizard behind the curtain as long as I get what I want.

All Dogs Go To Atheists

Afraid your pet will starve when you Rapture to Jesus Land? Arrange to leave it with an atheist--for a fee.
Promoted on the Web as "the next best thing to pet salvation in a Post Rapture World," the service has attracted more than 100 clients, who pay $110 for a 10-year contract ($15 for each additional pet.) If the Rapture happens in that time, the pets left behind will have homes—with atheists. Centre has set up a national network of godless humans to carry out the mission. "If you love your pets, I can't understand how you could not consider this," he says.


Feb 15, 2010

Wilson's War

He may be gone, but his legacy lives on.

Feb 14, 2010

Meet The Press ... But Not The Cartoonist, Part 3

Once again David Gregory showed a political cartoon on Meet The Press without saying who drew it. He really needs to stop doing that.

Feb 12, 2010

Illustration Friday

Someone finds money and sends it to Haiti.

And a perv likes filming fannies.

Feb 11, 2010


We are really seeing some awesome arguments against DADT these days.

Feb 10, 2010

Remaining Arguments

We seem to be moving forward on repealing "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" which is still going to take over a year to get rid of. A lot more review needed. mmm-hmm.

Since every argument against allowing gays in the military has been completely obliterated and top commanders have publicly endorsed the idea, people like John Mcain and Oliver North are now resorting to being openly homophobic assholes.

Mr. North's idea of immorality would be having some of the arms he funneled to Central America being used by gay death squad members to murder people. What next--NAMBLA members in death squads!?

Feb 9, 2010


I decided to jump on the Palin-bashing Bandwagon today and bust this extra cartoon out. I mean, what kind of conservative needs a written reminder to talk about tax cuts?

War Is Boring

Last Friday I finished War Is Boring, my first graphic novel, which is written by David Axe. I'm extremely satisfied with the result and hope you will check it out when it's released on August 3rd. You can Pre-order now on Amazon and I'll be flogging the hell out of it closer to the release date.

Here is a page from the sixth chapter, which takes place in Somalia. There's more information on the book here and pages from previous chapters here, here, here, here and here.

click to enlarge

Feb 8, 2010

A Headline That Speaks Volumes

Today's New York Times: "In a Message to Democrats, Wall St. Sends Cash to G.O.P."

Glenn Greenwald has some good writing on it today.

Again with the cold cartoons?

Despite the snowstorm, Virginians appear to be getting good cell phone reception. I know because JR Rose phoned-in this turd.

John R. Rose
Byrd Newspapers of Virginia
Feb 5, 2010

Adding: Jen Sorensen rebuts this madness in her latest.

President Noodle Cup

I'm having fun with the corporate personhood topic. While this comic may appear to take the idea to the most absurd heights, I fully expect to live under the thumb of a cute corporate mascot by life's end.

The inspiration for Mr. Noodle Cup comes from a real-life event: The "Kraft Cheddar Explosion" of the Texas Stadium, former home of the Dallas Cowboys and future home of exploding cheddar cheese awesomeness. Apparently we've reached the point in America's decline where an abandoned structure can't be taken down without a junk food sponsor.

I'm not sure why they are demolishing the Texas Stadium, but I think it is for being the last stadium in the 21st century not named after a corporation. Kraft Cheddar Explode that bitch!

The Squirrel Agenda

Feb 5, 2010

Trains Are Bad.

So...Obama is spending money on trains that carry people from place to place instead of a space program to achieve a symbolic victory over the Soviet Union? I support that.

Rob Smith, Jr.
The Glenn Beck Program
Feb 5, 2010

Feb 4, 2010

Overdosing on nothing

I'm just seeing this now, but I love it:
AT 10.23 am on 30 January, more than 300 activists in the UK, Canada, Australia and the US will take part in a mass homeopathic "overdose". Sceptics will publicly swallow an entire bottle of homeopathic pills to demonstrate to the public that homeopathic remedies, the product of a scientifically unfounded 18th-century ritual, are simply sugar pills.
Remarkably, the placebo effect didn't kill anyone.

Feb 3, 2010

The Hills Have Ayes

Democrats. Goddamn Democrats.

Feb 1, 2010

Gay Merger

Marriage is simply a new legal status for people interested in entering a monogamous misery pact with one another. The only reason gay people can't do it is the fact that many folks find two wieners touching to be icky. Maybe gays should incorporate. The Supreme Court would give them more rights. (Alito mouths "Not true.")

Wednesday: Running For The Hills!