Apr 28, 2005
I've been working a lot lately on some different comics, freelance, and other endeavors so I haven't had much time to rant about the news. I don't really expect to be posting too much in the next month or so. I'll generally be using this space for updates on my various projects with an occasional red faced rant thrown in whenever something gets too overwhelmingly absurd. I have a big merch update coming next week. lower prices and some books that I've appeared in.
Apr 25, 2005
New Toon: Border Patrol
Another oversized one. The Minutemen are patriotically protecting out borders. Hats off to those swell fellows!

clickto enlarge

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Apr 20, 2005
This Week
Not much time for blogging this week. I'm getting next week's cartoon and my other work done in preparation for the Pittsburgh Comic Con this weekend. Stop out if you're in Pittsburgh.
Starting in May I'll be making prints available through this site.
Starting in May I'll be making prints available through this site.
Apr 18, 2005
Apr 15, 2005
Eisner Web Comic Nominees
go read 'em
Athena Voltaire- Steve Bryant
Bento & Starchky- Peter Branting
Copper- Kazu
Jonny Crossbones- Les McClaine
Mom's Cancer- Brian Fies
ojingogo- Matt Forsythe
Athena Voltaire- Steve Bryant
Bento & Starchky- Peter Branting
Copper- Kazu
Jonny Crossbones- Les McClaine
Mom's Cancer- Brian Fies
ojingogo- Matt Forsythe
Need A Good Laugh?
Check out these conservative T-shirts.
The most perplexing one says 'Kick Their Ass....Take Their Gas'. Wait, I thought we go to war for freedom not oil. Is this a confession?
I am strongly considering buying the Ann Coulter shirt.
The most perplexing one says 'Kick Their Ass....Take Their Gas'. Wait, I thought we go to war for freedom not oil. Is this a confession?
I am strongly considering buying the Ann Coulter shirt.
Apr 14, 2005
Aboloshing the Death Penalty....Reason #23950
The BBC reports on a new study that shows executed prisoners, killed by lethal injection, may be paralyzed, but fully concious. They lay there, pinned to their crucifix-like gurney, suffocating. Where is the 'pro-life' movement. Why aren't we 'erring on the side of life'?
Of course, this is inhuman. There will be an immediate outcry from the public, Congress will hold an emergency session, people will decry it as cruel, drudging up images of Nazi torturers. It will be a media circus. oops, sorry, that stuff only happens for vegetables in Florida. My bad.
The researchers then analysed autopsy data for 49 prisoners who had been executed in Arizona, Georgia. North Carolina and South Carolina.
They found that concentrations of thiopental in the blood were lower than that required for surgery in 43 cases. In 21 of those, the concentrations in prisoners' blood were consistent with them being aware of what was going on.
Writing in the Lancet, the researchers, led by Dr Leonardis Koniaris, said: "We certainly cannot conclude that these inmates were unconscious and insensate.
Of course, this is inhuman. There will be an immediate outcry from the public, Congress will hold an emergency session, people will decry it as cruel, drudging up images of Nazi torturers. It will be a media circus. oops, sorry, that stuff only happens for vegetables in Florida. My bad.
Apr 13, 2005
Campusprogress.org is a new progressive site launched earlier this year by the Center For American Progress. They deal with issues affecting young people, specifically students and do battle against the evil David Horowitz and his minions of 'academic freedom'. The cartoonist August Pollack, of XQUZYPHYR & Overboard is their webmaster and has a blog on the site.
I did a little cartoon or sorts for the current article Cooking The Books, which is about the high price of college textbooks and the shady publishers who print them. I've been doing illustration for them pretty regularly. If you flip through the articles you're likely to find something I did.
Idiot Box is going to appear on the site someday.
I did a little cartoon or sorts for the current article Cooking The Books, which is about the high price of college textbooks and the shady publishers who print them. I've been doing illustration for them pretty regularly. If you flip through the articles you're likely to find something I did.
Idiot Box is going to appear on the site someday.
S.P.A.C.E. this weekend
If you happen to be in Columbus Ohio this Saturday stop by the S.P.A.C.E show and say hello. Admission is only five bucks. I'll be selling comics, prints, shirts, and originals.
Check out the cool promotional poster by Tom Williams.
Also t-shirt prices on the site will be coming down and prints will be available in a week or two.
Check out the cool promotional poster by Tom Williams.
Also t-shirt prices on the site will be coming down and prints will be available in a week or two.
Apr 12, 2005
More fun with Ashlee Simpson
How I hate her.
On Arpil 8th The Smoking Gun unearthed Ashlee Simpson's backstage rider which lists an amazing amount of junkfood she must have before the show. She also needs 72 bottles of water, but "No Evian".
the main passage of interest says:
Guess that acid reflux is acting up again.
Among the dressing room demands for the band are one case of Amstel Light and Miller Light. Filthy rich and they request that piss?!
On Arpil 8th The Smoking Gun unearthed Ashlee Simpson's backstage rider which lists an amazing amount of junkfood she must have before the show. She also needs 72 bottles of water, but "No Evian".
the main passage of interest says:
Ashlee Simpson wil be performing with a 4 piece band. Orchestration is as follows: Drums, Bass, 2 Guitars, and pre-recorded sequences operated by the the drummer.
Guess that acid reflux is acting up again.
Among the dressing room demands for the band are one case of Amstel Light and Miller Light. Filthy rich and they request that piss?!
Apr 7, 2005
More Schiavo....*groan*
I'd rather never have to talk about the damn Terri Shiavo thing again, but Katha Pollitt's latest column in the Nation Backward Christian Soldiers deserves reading. The hypocrisy of this circus doesn't stop growing. Not only did Tom Delay pull the plug on his dad, bot Robert Schindler, Terri's father, got to pull the plug on his mother. I wonder if the Rapture Right Christians would call him and Delay Nazi murderers like they did to Michael Schiavo and those hospice workers.
Apr 4, 2005
New Toon: Pope Goes To Heaven
I made another supersized comic. I just couldn't help it.

clickto enlarge

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