Nov 28, 2005

Here at everyday is Cyber Monday

Want an affordable gift for the co-worker you trying to have sex with? Look no further than The Sluts of Guantanamo Bay the new collection of Idiot Box. Perfect for everyone in your life who has never heard of me. Feel like buying yet another anti-Bush shirt? I have those too. Plus they're made in 'Merica.

Johnny Cash C.R.E.A.M. shirt
more coming soon!

GOP Fist Shirt $10.00

More shirts!

3 Car Pileup #1 & 2 for $5.00 $2.95

New Toon: Ways To Say 'Lie'

click to enlarge

Nov 23, 2005

Homeless On Thanksgiving

Jeff Seemann is the Democratic candidate for the 16th district of Ohio and right now he's living on the streets.

Jeff decided to go homeless for 100 hours and is entering his fourth night on the streets. He won't be home for Thanksgiving dinner and has had no money or identification on him, only four quarters to call someone everyday who can post his experiences. Jeff explains:

It's my firm belief that you cannot properly represent your district until you truly understand the problems that many Americans face. Ralph Regula has been in Washington DC for 33 years, and he's clearly lost touch with the issues that affect his constituents.

How many people never have to worry about affordable health care? How many people never have to worry about whether or not their next paycheck will cover the rising price of gas and if they can afford to heat their home this winter? How many people get to actually VOTE for their own pay raise year after year after year?

My life hasn't been as easy as Ralph Regula's, but I know that half of America has it harder than I do. Furthermore, I believe that you cannot represent Americans until you've walked a mile in their shoes.

So I'm going to start walking in some different pairs of shoes. I want to KNOW what many Americans face every single day, not just hear about them. I will be spending significant amounts of time experiencing the difficulties that many Americans deal with daily.

Starting this Sunday, I will spend 100 hours homeless in Stark County, Ohio. I hope that by surrounding myself in a different atmosphere, I can truly understand how to tackle the important issues that are often overlooked in this modern world.
read the full post

Here is the report of his first day.

Happy Thanksgiving.

Nov 22, 2005

Long Overdue Announcement

But first...I have four comic strips running in the Seattle Stranger over the next four weeks (it may have already started, I'm not sure). Two of these strips will be redrawn as Idiot Box comics and used over the next few months. The other two will be posted here after they run in the Stranger. and now....

Idiot Box will be featured in "ATTITUDE 3: THE SUBVERSIVE NEW MEDIA CARTOONISTS," edited by Ted Rall and is scheduled to hit store shelves everywhere in February/March 2006. It will feature an interview with all the creators and 5 or 6 of their comics.

The Attitude series collects alternative comics that mainly run in free weekly papers. The first two books were very influential on me and it's great to be included. The contributor list is as follows:

Ben Smith - Fighting Words
Adam Rust - Adam's Rust
August J. Pollak - XQUZYPHYR & Overboard
Brian McFadden - Big Fat Whale
David Craig Simpson - I Drew This / Ozy and Millie
Dermot O'Connor - Idleworm
Dorothy Gambrell Cat and Girl
Eric Millikin - Fetus-X
Garrett Gaston - La Petite Camera
Keith Robinson - Making It
M.e. Cohen - HumorInk
Mark Fiore - Fiore Animated Cartoons
Matt Bors - Idiot Box
Nicholas Gurewitch - The Perry Bible Fellowship
Robert T. Balder - PartiallyClips
Ryan North - Daily Dinosaur Comics
Thomas K. Dye - Newshounds

Nov 21, 2005

New Toon: Rewriting History

The Bush propaganda mill has moved to Delta phase, at which point they rewrite obscure weekly comics to correlate with the reality they've created.

click to enlarge

Nov 17, 2005

Comic Envy

Once in a while you'll see a comic that throws you into a violent fit of jealousy. "Why didn't I think of that!" you'll scream. "After all, I am the world's greatest cartoonist!" This cartoon from Dan Asmussen is one of them.

Nov 16, 2005

Worst Combination Ever Attained: Republican Pop Punk

via ThinkProgress, it's that new sound tearing up the airwaves "Bush Was Right!"

Nov 14, 2005

150th strip!

February will mark the third year I've been doing the strip. The number is a little closer to three years worth of strips due to the fact that I was doing two strips a week for while. I'm going to try to do two this week and possibly for the immediate future as I have an abundance of ideas I don't want to get stale.

For now we need to try and figure out who outed our gulags. National security demands it!

click to enlarge

Nov 11, 2005

Limousine Liberals

There's a new article at regarding the new book Do As I Say, which points out hypocrisy in liberals such as Ralph Nader, Michael Moore, Al Franken, and Hillary Clinton (liberal!?).

If Peter Schweizer, a Research Fellow at the conservative Hoover Institution, tried giving the presentation he made last Thursday at the Heritage Foundation in Washington, DC to his old philosophy professors from Oxford, they might cast themselves into the River Thames in despair. After all, his new book— Do As I Say (Not As I Do): Profiles in Liberal Hypocrisy—is based almost entirely on one of philosophy’s most infamous logical fallacies: that if a certain person’s real-life actions don’t live up to his or her abstract ideals, then those ideals are automatically proved false. Keep Reading...

The article's main point is that these ad hominem attacks do nothing to refute the actual policies these people promote, despite what the author of the book would have you believe. This book will be written off (most likely ignored entirely) by liberals and yet how often do Air America hosts resort to bashing Rush Limbaugh for having an addiction to painkillers (as opposed to someone like Amy Goodman who doesn't partake in personal invective)? Does it prove his position on drugs in wrong? No, it discredits and denigrates him. And he well deserves it.

Hypocrisy has to be the quality I hate most in human beings. It speaks volumes of your character. And when your personal actions completely contradict your professed beliefs you should be publicly flogged (figuratively speaking). Newt Gingrich and Bill O'Reilly are berated for their infidelity, divorcing, and loofa scrubs which seem a little contradictory to the "family values" they constantly harp about. It has to work the same way with liberals.

I haven't read this book and don't know the extent or severity of most of the allegations. It is obviously a partisan attack book, but so was Lies, and The Lying Liars Who Tell Them, it was just a factually correct attack book. If it's allegations are true (and I'm sure many of them are) then the people need to be called out on them. I don't make excuses for rich liberals I don't know. In my role as a satirical political cartoonist I feel no need to defend these people. And as the multi-millionaires in Aerosmith said without a hint of Irony "Eat the Rich! There's only one thing that they're good for!"

Nov 9, 2005

What We Need More Of Is Science

MC Hawking explains:

I'm a disciple of science
I know the universe is compliance with natural laws,
but many place reliance on the pseudo-science of quacks and
morons and fools because,
their educations deficient,
they put faith in omniscient,
make believe beings who control their fate,
but the Hawk aint with it, dig it,
their Holy writ aint the least bit legit,
its a bunch of bullshit.

They need to read a book that ain't so damn old,
let reason take hold,
though truth to be told,
they're probably already too far gone,
withdrawn, the conclusion foregone.
But maybe there is still hope for the young,
if they reject the dung being slung from the tongues,
of the ignorant fools who call themselves preachers,
and listen instead to their science teachers.

Unfortunately Hawking's words are no longer applicable in Kansas. Listening to the science teachers there you may come away thinking dinosaurs died in a great flood 5,000 years ago.

I don't even care that Democrats did good nationwide in the election. In Ohio, our electoral reforms were bafflingly crushed. And I can't even contain myself with what happened in Kansas. We must impose sanctions on the state and starve out the crazies. I wonder, will they be giving ample time to explain the theories of Raelism? Their entire thing is that we are a product of intelligent design. After watching this video I think their explanation of life on this planet is more feasible than christian fundementalists.

Recent Comics That Don't Suck

Bob the Angry Flower helps people get to heaven using the Bush method.

Andy Singer revives the Domino Theory.

Jen Sorensen bust rymes about Alito.

Big Fat Whale- The White House employs a photo-op artist.

Nov 8, 2005

The Heart Of It All

Voting reforms are on Ohio's ballot today and I voted for them, for the first time, on an electronic machine. It seems odd that we haven't had them yet seeing as how Diebold is based here in Canton. They produce a paper ballot that you can read through glass before it passes into a locked box. Of course if the results of the electronic machine aren't within one percent there will be no recounting of those ballots.

The discrepancies of the 2004 election in Ohio are finally starting to gain some traction. Mark Crispin Miller's new book Fooled Again is the current book laying out the case for a stolen election. Miller's work and the Conyer's Report were based largely on the reporting done by the Columbus Free Press, who have been releasing a steady stream of books over the last year and run my comics in their bi-monthly paper. I will be starting a project with them on the 2004 election to be released sometime in 2006. We are still working it out, but my contribution may be anywhere from a few illustrations to a rather lengthy comic about the whole ordeal. Stay tuned.

Peter Kuper has a good comic on Ohio Voting in the current issue of the Nation.

Nov 7, 2005

Two New Toons!

I haven't update the blog in a while, but here are two cartoons I did on this Alito fellow. The second one was done for which I added to my archives because it was the same size as my normal comics and I wanted it to run in papers. I'll actually be updating the blog with a few things this week so check back.

click to enlarge

click to enlarge

And be sure to buy the new book.