New Toon: Colonial Porn Pamphlets

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Check back often this week. I'm going to be posting a whole bunch of new comics.
electing Casey could help Democrats take back the Senate, which will go a long way toward protecting choice, abortion rights, and other sexual freedomsdespite Casey's stance on choice. Electing one or two pro-life Dems is the price we're going to have to pay to put reliably pro-choice Dems in positions of power all over the Senate.So, why was the money returned? Their fear is that they will have to explain why they accepted money from someone who smeared Santorum so viciously. Well, isn't the answer obvious? Because they share a common goal: getting Santorum out of office! It's money. Take it. You don't owe Dan Savage anything for it. He isn't a special interest group or a corporation.
It’s always summer to George W. Bush, our lazy, hazy, crazy commander in chief who puts in shorter presidential work weeks than Woodrow Wilson did after he was paralyzed by a stroke. Having stolen his way into the Oval Office what now seems to be several bad lifetimes ago, GW has treated us to a scorching five years that have inflicted on the world a pandemic of son burn. We have been continually baited and switched by an administration that promises sinsemilla and delivers oregano. Read On.
The pain in my empty stomach is almost unbearable. This must be what it feels like to get shot in battle. I am now a true warrior for peace. My hunger and suffering has brought me a mental clarity, which I have never known. For instance: I just realized I am married to Tim Robbins the actor and not Tom Robbins the novelistMy current comic touches on this and Cindy Sheehan's juice diet.
I find traveling out of the country very challenging being on a fast. When I was on a layover in Madrid on my way to Venice, Italy yesterday, the closest thing I could find to a smoothie to get a little protein was a coffee with vanilla ice cream in it.It turns out she's drinking protein smoothies from Jamba Juice. What a fast. Most of the other fasters don't have the determination of Sheehan, so they are doing a "rolling fast". This involves not eating for 24 hours, then "passing" the fast to Sean Penn or Daryl Hannah or any of the other celebrities participating in this embarrassing activism.
The organizers call on a long history of fasts for political purposes, claiming their place among the Suffragettes, Mahatmas Gandhi and Cesar Chavez.This isn't the first thing Sheehan did that doesn't make sense. She was on Hardball recently and said she would rather live under Hugo Chavez than George Bush. When you say that on national TV, what do you expect to happen except to receive an offer within 5 minutes from a right-wing blog to fly you over there?
Positively reassuring, is it not?Using a gas-powered leaf blower for half an hour creates as many polluting hydrocarbon emissions as driving a car seventy-seven hundred miles at a speed of thirty miles per hour. In the process of refueling their lawnmowers, leaf blowers, and other garden equipment, Americans spill about seventeen million gallons of gasoline every summer, or about 50% more than marred the Alaskan coast during the notorious Exxon Valdez disaster. A single golf course in Tampa, Florida--a state that leads the nation with over a thousand of these emerald green creations--uses 178,800 gallons of water per day, enough to meet the daily water needs of more than twenty-two hundred Americans.