Sep 29, 2005


I have a few prints I made for SPX that I would like to get off of my hands so I'm selling them for $5 with $2 for shipping. The cheap prints are below. To buy one send me an e-mail to reserve it. I'll send you info on how to pay by Paypal or check or money order.

Sep 28, 2005

Fan Mail!

Turns out my new N.W.A toon is a hit! Lisa Labowski writes:
That is just what I expect from a Godless, faggot-lover like yourself. Why don't you do us all a favor and leave this planet because you are wasting air and food that could be going to a good, God-fearing individual with a moral base.
Thanks Lisa. I actually live on the International Space Station with 17 queers. You can see our live webcams 24 hours a day at (check out the shower cam).

And don't forget about my new book.

Sep 27, 2005

Full page comic in the Nation

I have a full page color comic in the Oct. 10th issue of the Nation titled Revised Science Textbooks for Christians. The web version is a little hard to read, but you have a subscription, right?

If anyone is interested in buying a print (or even the original) contact me.

Sep 26, 2005

New Toon: N.W.A.

Gaybashing, disrespect of women, pretending to be religious while advocating theft and murder. Who knew gansta rap was so similar to modern conservative thinking?

click to enlarge

Sep 22, 2005

New Idiot Box collection

The Sluts of Guantanamo Bay is ON SALE NOW.

40 pages of the best Idiot Box strips from the last year, including Hipsters of America, The Time Travelling Forefathers, and Civil War Zombies.

I will be selling them this weekend at SPX along with shirts, prints, and originals. I'll be sharing the table with Brian McFadden and new addition Rob Balder.

Walk, Talk, and Chew Bubblegum!

Check out these new phones from Cingular that look like a pack of Duoblemint gum. What's next?

Sep 20, 2005

Bible goes X-treme

Ever read the Bible and say to yourself "why isn't this printed in funky purple type with a sweet logo on the cover?" yeah, who hasn't, right? WELL I'LL TELL YOU WHO HASN'T: readers of the Extreme Teen Bible:
The Extreme Teen Bible dares teens to crack open its pages and live up to the cutting-edge standard found inside. This New King James translation (thoroughly explained in teen-friendly language) is clad in funky purple print and snowboard-type logos, appealing to the thrill seeker by promising a life of "no fears, no regrets, just a future with a promise."
But it gets better. 75% of the reviews sound a little like this:
After hitting up the vert on my skateboard, downing a Go-Gurt while getting sick air, there's nothing better than to read my EXTREME™ Teen Bible. What could be more extreme than crucifixion and resurrection? Well, maybe listening to the Van Warped Tour CD while eating EXTREME™ Fruit Snacks, grinding mean slopes on my snowboard with guitar in hand playing insane solos using only my teeth, with my EXTREME™ Teen Bible while fighting against the system and being a true revolutionary like Jesus, but resurrection comes close in extremeness. If it was anymore EXTREME™, we'd call it the Koran.
and this:
Now, I was totally ripped out of my skull on acid the whole time, but I think I read that this cat had to build a f***ing boat to escape a flood that covered the Earth.
In other news I have enabled comments at the bottom. This amazing feature took me about a year to get around to and only took a few moments messing around with my blog settings. Archives can't be far off!

Mickey Siporin Dies at 65

From Editor and Publisher
Siporin -- syndicated by Chronicle Features in the mid-1990s -- was one of the creators featured in "Attitude: The New Subversive Political Cartoonists" edited by Universal Press Syndicate editorial cartoonist Ted Rall. In that 2002 book, Rall called Siporin "one of the country's most unjustly underexposed political cartoonists."

He was of the rare breed of editorial cartoonist whose work could be deemed "alternative", yet had his comics printed in dalies, as opposed to alt. weeklies; someone like Scott Bateman or Joe Sharpnack. His main strength , in my opinion, was his minimalists style, which stood out in a sea of over-rendered, hyper-crosshatched, editorial cartoons.

a link to his website.

Sep 19, 2005

New Toon: National Pastime!

What is our National Pastime? Debating abortion, of course. And none better to guide us through a discussion than the beautiful John Roberts, with a baseball analogy.

click to enlarge

Sep 17, 2005

Blast The Right

Jack Clark, the propieter of and for whom I've done some work for in the past, began podcasting a few weeks ago and they are quickly getting very good. It's called "Blast the Right" and is becoming part of my weekly routine. The latest podcast is titled "Scare a Right-Winger to Death: Advocate Reducing Poverty by Raising the Minimum Wage to a "Living Wage" and has some really good information about increasing the minimum wage to a living wage. Listen.

Sep 15, 2005

"Smite 'em good"

An editor of the Buffalo Beast called the 700 club's prayer line to pray for the assaination of Hugo Chavez:

700 Club: Okay, all-righty sir, how’s your relationship with the lord?

BEAST: Oh, we’re pretty close.

700 Club: Okay. How is it on a daily basis?

BEAST: Good, you know. He’s there when I’m brushing my teeth in the morning and everything.

700 Club: And what would you like me to pray for you about today?

BEAST: Uh, you know, the assassination of Hugo Chavez maybe.


But you really should listen to the audio file.

Foo Fighters Fight the Right. is going on tour with the Foo Fighters and Weezer. I designed a set of four postcards that highlight certain issues (the war, privacy, etc.) that will be distributed by volunteers at the shows. Fellow cartoonist August Pollak put together this cool Flash animation promoting the whole thing.

Sep 14, 2005

The Sluts Of Guantanamo Bay! Available Monday, September 26th

The new collection of Idiot Box will contain 40 of the best comics since the last book came out in September 2004. I will be selling them at SPX on the 23rd and 24th and making them available here on the 26th.

click to enlarge

Sep 13, 2005

Recommended Reading

August Pollak does some on scene reporting from this weekend's freedom walk.

Super-Fun-Pak Comix from Ruben Bolling.

Brian McFadden brings us Hank's Faith Based Forecast.

Sep 12, 2005

Bush's response: it gets worse

It's actually worse than we thought. Bush didn't know about the scope of the damage in New Orleans until Friday because he doesn't watch TV (or read newspapers). In fact, he doesn't even live in reality. As the President Of The United States he has chosen not just to refuse acknowledging bad news, but to never even find out about it in the first place. So adverse is he to bad news his staff had to have a meeting to decide who would tell him as Newsweek reports:

Bush can be cold and snappish in private, and aides sometimes cringe before the displeasure of the president of the United States.....The bad news on this early morning, Tuesday, Aug. 30, some 24 hours after Hurricane Katrina had ripped through New Orleans, was that the president would have to cut short his five-week vacation by a couple of days and return to Washington. The president's chief of staff, Andrew Card; his deputy chief of staff, Joe Hagin; his counselor, Dan Bartlett, and his spokesman, Scott McClellan, held a conference call to discuss the question of the president's early return and the delicate task of telling him.
So how did he find out about the situation on the ground?

The reality, say several aides who did not wish to be quoted because it might displease the president, did not really sink in until Thursday night. Some White House staffers were watching the evening news and thought the president needed to see the horrific reports coming out of New Orleans. Counselor Bartlett made up a DVD of the newscasts so Bush could see them in their entirety as he flew down to the Gulf Coast the next morning on Air Force One.

Friday!? Bush didn't know the scope of the damage until Friday?! The same Friday that people had had gone four days without food?!

How this could be—how the president of the United States could have even less "situational awareness," as they say in the military, than the average American about the worst natural disaster in a century—is one of the more perplexing and troubling chapters in a story that, despite moments of heroism and acts of great generosity, ranks as a national disgrace.

New Toon: Reliefanomics!

What's the fastest way to get relief to those that need it? Give it to the rich and let it trickle down!

click to enlarge

Sep 9, 2005

New Book Debuting at SPX!

I will be debuting the still-untitled Idiot Box collection at SPX in Maryland and selling them on this site on Monday the 26th. Stop by my table, which I am sharing with Brain McFadden of Big Fat Whale.

Here are some images from the inside covers. A shot of the cover and additional work will be posted next week...along with a title!

For the Record

Some of the best resources to come around in the last few days regarding the relief effort and mismanagement thereof.

Think progress' timeline.

Time Magazine's new article about Mike Brown lying on his resume.

And a link to the photos FEMA "doesn't want you to see", since they've decided we are not allowed to see what their negligence resulted in.

Sep 7, 2005

Comics In The New York Times

Editor and Publisher reports:
The Times announced Tuesday that it is turning over 10 pages of The New York Times magazine to a new section called “The Funny Pages.”

Each Sunday beginning Sept. 18, the magazine will run "The Strip," a serialized, full-color and full-page comic strip that will feature one self-contained story. The strips will be created by what the Times announcement calls “stars of the graphic novel,” with each running about six months. The first strip will be by alternative newspaper star Chris Ware, author of the graphic novel, "Jimmy Corrigan: The Smartest Kid on Earth.

They will also be featuring serialized fiction in the same manner, with Elmore Leonard kicking off a fourteen week run. I might have to start forking over the five bucks for a Sunday Times.

Now if they would only recognize Editorial Cartoons....

story via The Comics Reporter

New Blog!

Finally, I changed my horrible blog template to something a little more attractive. And it only took me a year. I'm faster than the Federal Government! I'm going to add a few cool graphics to the blog once I get some free time and I'm working on archives and comments now, so those should be operational by early 2008.

Sep 6, 2005

Hurricane Katrina: God's Revenge?!

Well, according to this recent letter in my local paper, the Canton Repository, Hurricane Katrina could possibly be our punishment for pushing Israel to evacuate Gaza. Of course! Will somebody please promote this man to the head of FEMA?!

Monday, September 5, 2005
New Orleans residents suffer same fate as residents of Gaza

A Fox reporter, commenting on the devastation wrought by Hurricane Katrina upon the city of New Orleans, said, “It must be an emotional experience (for Americans) to walk away from their homes and not ever live in them again.”

Yes it is.

Just ask the people of Gaza in Israel.

While Katrina was growing in the Atlantic, our government was busy bullying Israel into forcing families to leave their homes on and near the sea in Gaza. Swept out of their homes by the “Roadmap to Peace!?” Israeli men, women and children wept as their homes and lives were bulldozed away by the political pressure imposed upon them by the U.S.A., leaving them homeless and dependent upon their government.

And now, just days later, we witness New Orleans, an American city by the sea that celebrates its decadence, partially submerged under Noah- like waters, with its citizens forced out of their homes by Hurricane Katrina.

Its residents who have experienced what is being called the worst natural disaster in American history are sharing the same fate as the citizens of Gaza, Israel; they are homeless refugees forced “to walk away from their homes and not ever live in them again,” now existing in government shelters and refugee centers — coincidence?

Michael J. Oyler
Plain Township
Messianic pastor, The Star in the East Messianic Jewish Synagogue

Sep 5, 2005

New Toon: Bush to the rescue!!

Bullhorn on the Mound! Plastic Turkey! Flight Suits!

Bush never misses a photo op. So why did it take so long to return from vacation to get help to the victims of Katrina? To be fair, he did fly over Wednesday to look out the window instensely while someone snapped a photo.

But what if Terri Schiavo were trapped down there?....

click to enlarge

Sep 3, 2005

New Orleans Coverage

If you missed the Mayor Nagin interviews, Shepard Smith and Geraldo flipping out, the Kanye West footage, and the clips of Mike Brown making an ass of himself, check out Crooks and Liars. They've been posting amazing videos continuosly.

Sep 2, 2005

Kimya Dawson

Early this week I stumbled across folk singer Kimya Dawson. I love her. There's no direct link, but when you go to her site click on 'mp3' and download some of her songs. The first one listed is "12/26", about the tsunami. It's amazing and kind of eerie given what's going on in New Orleans.

Sep 1, 2005

In 1991 Cheney said Iraq occupation would be "quagmire"

Crooks and Liars came across an NPR interview with Cheney from 1991. In this clip he describes how difficult it would be to occupy and start a new government. The word "cakewalk" is never used, but "quagmire" is. Pure Gold.