How could his women be more willing than usual? It would have to be a porno where they toss out any pretense of a plot and get right down to business.
Jimmy Margulies The Record Mar 27, 2009 |
The “tea party” protests nationwide are being coordinated by the conservative public relations firm Freedom Works, which is run by former Majority Leader Dick Armey (R-TX). The tea parties are also being supported by Newt Gingrich, through his organization American Solutions For Winning the Future.These "tea parties" are ironic on a few levels. They are mostly made up of people who constantly defended Bush as he asserted powers previously known only to kings and dictators. And they are funded and promoted by that same political party.
A.I.G. entered into legally enforceable contracts with individuals who have not been convicted, or even charged, with wrongdoing. Years from now, history will view this extraordinary act as similar to the internment of Japanese-Americans during World War II and the Salem witch trials, an embarrassment to our great nation.Yes, we'll all hang our heads in shame in a few decades at the opening of the Rich CEO Oppression Museum as Congress drafts an official apology for heavily taxing some of the richest--and most incompetent--people in the land. This Trail of Tears style of oppression must end!
MStreeter Savannah Morning News Mar 15, 2009 |
Well, basically, the coal industry comes in and cuts all the trees off the top of the mountain, and most of the time they don’t even use the trees. Then they set—they take bulldozers and scrape the wonderful topsoil from the top of the mountain, and then they drill holes and use ammonium nitrate, which Timothy McVeigh used in the Oklahoma City bombing, and they load those charges, and then they set a blast off. And it shakes the whole valley.It's little comments like that that brighten up the dull newscasts of Democracy Now! I like how the activist semi-subtly connects cigar chomping Big Coal capitalists to right-wing christian terrorists via a chemical compound. Now that I'm looking over that statement with this idea in mind, all I'm seeing are missed opportunities.