Oct 31, 2008
Oct 30, 2008
Dead Trees
"The Modem, a.k.a. modulator/demodulator, is a handy little device that lets computers talk over telephone lines. ... 'I go home, have a glass of wine, turn on my computer and see what's on Dow Jones,' says Apple vice president Wilfred Houde. 'I don't know if it's good or bad, but I don't read the paper anymore.'"
-- Newsweek cover story, February 22, 1982, page 54
OK to be Godless?
During this election she's been more outspoken in her commentary and has defended against sexism and racism. Recently, as Obama was called an "Arab," she addressed the elephant in the room:
So what if Obama was Arab or Muslim? So what if John McCain was Arab or Muslim? Would it matter?
When did that become a disqualifier for higher office in our country? When did Arab and Muslim become dirty words? The equivalent of dishonorable or radical?
There are more than 1.2 million Arab-Americans and about 7 million Muslim-Americans, former Cabinet secretaries, members of Congress, successful business people, normal average Americans from all walks of life.
These are the people being maligned here, and we can only imagine how this conversation plays in the Muslim world. We can't tolerate this ignorance -- not in the media, not on the campaign trail.
There are more people who are "godless" in this country than Muslim. I'm not trying to put this on the level of racism against Obama, but as Campbell says, "We can't tolerate this ignorance -- not in the media, not on the campaign trail."
Oct 29, 2008
The election is almost over...
Inspired by that creepy feature in Us Weekly about how celebrities are like Joe Six Pack. Recently seen: "They LOVE burritos!"
Friday: Visit Pro-America!
You have recently implied that in a cartoon that John McCain is a terrorist by being a pilot in Vietnam. However, John McCain was a soldier in a war, he was following the orders of his superior officers and was doing the job he was trained to do. He did this job against a Military force that was also equally trained to oppose him. As is evidenced by the fact that he was shot down and placed in a P.O.W. camp. Where might I add he was tortured and subjected to horrors that I would hope to never face.I am not justifying the Vietnam war. I feel that the war in Nam was not a just war and it was not a war that needed to be fought. It is just disturbing that you would try and say that a soldier is somehow on the same level as someone who would explode bombs in his own country and call that an attempt at peace. You are obviusly someone who has never served and look at those that do with disgust and trepidation. These are the same folks that have ensured your right to free speech. I don't agree with you and what you have tried to say here, but I would not take away your right to say it. But you are wrong.The act of war in all it's forms is horror and sorrow, but as long as there are men who hate there will always be a need for it. You and your kind will never understand this.
James TUSN
Redistributionist in Chief
The Republican argument of the moment seems to be that the difference between capitalism and socialism corresponds to the difference between a top marginal income-tax rate of 35 per cent and a top marginal income-tax rate of 39.6 per cent.
Oct 28, 2008
Taxpayer Millions Down the Abstinence-Only Drain
Cross-posted at the ACLU Blog of Rights
Most people don’t wait until marriage to have sex, but abstinence-only-until-marriage education programs tell teens they should…and not much else (hence the “only” part). Despite mountains of evidence showing these programs work as well as magical thinking, stubborn anti-sex ed moralists continue to insist we ignore reality and throw millions more taxpayer dollars at the problem.
The latest Civil Discourse comic examines some further ways taxpayer money can be wasted trying to keep teens in the dark about sex.
Abstinence-only programs are actually worse than teaching teens nothing at all— at least then LGBT youth wouldn’t be marginalized, and misleading information about STDs and gender stereotypes wouldn’t be spread. Thankfully, some states are starting to turn down the money.
Also, be sure to check out another ACLU cartoon I did on abstinence-only programs here.
Oct 27, 2008
Nader Rally
Nader has been so irrelevant in this election he hardly warrants another comic. But when I saw him last week, his supporters came off as so wacky I had to do some comic reporting. (See a previous one here.)
As I say in the comic, his speech was what you'd expect. There was plenty to agree with and I couldn't help but wondering why this man wasted the last decade running for President instead of doing something meaningful like writing books or starting a PAC.
Nader wants the media to focus on the issues, but his remaining supporters seemed more concerned with bizarre conspiracy theories. Half of the audience questions focused on these concerns and what Nader would do about them "as President."
I expected to see the so-called 9/11 Truthers there, but the chem trail question really threw me for a loop. I looked around to see if everyone was as mystified as I, but apparently not understanding how jets make condensation trails is more widespread than I thought.
Waiting for the bus outside the rally, a woman next to me brought it up. She said she never gets sick but thought the chem trails may have resulted in her cold. A massive government conspiracy is underway to give people sinus congestion! Then she started talking about how people with Downs Syndrome look like aliens and may be the result of genetic tampering by scientists or chemicals in our food.
See you in four more, Ralph!
Oct 25, 2008
Mailbag Douchebag
"The Racist Succumbs". The Racist? Let me tell you who the Racist is... [proceeds to tell me who the racist is for nearly 1,000 words of block text: La Raza, NAACP, Will Smith, liberals, etc.] ...I have no idea if you are black or white. But, based on your openly anti-white racist hate-cartooning, I have to imagine that you are either an Affirmative-Action propelled, racist black or a white-guilt ridden, elitist judaic. Either way, you are clearly a hypocritical black-sycophant with a gut full of hate.
Oct 23, 2008
Oct 22, 2008
$400 updo
Outsource It All!
When the government has been whittled away to nothing but an ATM for corporations, the simple act of monitoring the people getting the money has itself been outsourced to a private firm. Eventually we'll save on the bureaucracy and just dump all of our tax dollars onto an open field and let everyone have at it. No sense in having mommy government tell us how to spend it.
Oct 20, 2008
Gordon Campbell Freelance Oct 19, 2008 |
Oct 17, 2008
Trick or Treat
I was going to write a lengthy diatribe about the Halloween cartoon cliche for this entry. Luckily, my friend Kevin Moore already did that earlier this week, so I'll just quote him:
And that’s the problem with relying on cliches for inspiration. Nothing is really said, no opinion is made, no risks are taken, so nothing really funny happens; the brain doesn’t light up with connections nor does the heart ignite with fury or indignation. It’s just a chuckle, if that, a harmless non-thought sandwiched between editorials, letters to the editor and syndicated columns that, for all of their faults (and there are many), at least show engagement with the world around them and strive to advance a position, however futile. Is it any wonder more professional political cartoonists are losing their jobs?See the previous installment of "Exposed" here.
Monday: Joe The Plumber!
Oct 16, 2008
High Turnover Rate
No.3? Time for your promotion.
MailBag Douchebag
In the words of Obama...
I...HOPE... your penis falls off. That would be a good...CHANGE.
Oct 15, 2008
Constitution News
Cross-posted at the ACLU Blog of Rights.
The media coverage of the presidential campaign has devolved into daily obsessions with the latest gaffes and attack ads. The debates are stale stump speeches where our founding document is largely ignored. Watching it unfold, it’s easy to forget the candidates are competing to take an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution. (If they can dig it out off Cheney’s paper shredder.)
The candidates have one more chance to take on torture, wiretapping, or voting rights at tonight’s last presidential debate.
The latest Civil Discourse strip takes place in an alternate universe—one where Civil Liberties trump sound bytes and the "Constitution Debate" is moderated by a certain friend of the ACLU.
Oct 14, 2008
Music Break
They'll tell you just what they think/ They're not goin' to blink/ And they don't have radical friends to whom their careers are linked.No radical friends? What about the Anti-American secessionists, Christian nationalists and Witch-fighting preachers? Sounds like it's a...Family Tradition. SNAP!
Oct 13, 2008
There is also an interesting parallel in racial paranoia surrounding the two.
Lying chain e-mails didn't exist back in the Civil War days so people used a form of communication called "talking to each other." Using this tactic, rumors were generated about Lincoln's heritage being of African descent. He was a plant--a secret foreigner--sent in to destroy the nation from within. That was his motive in freeing the slaves. Turns out we haven't advanced much since.
Anyway, there wasn't any YouTube or Tina Fey back then so cartoonists were actually relevant--and at least one cartoon on the subject became a hit with the fanatics. I recently discovered it in a book called "Lines Of Contention: Political Cartoons of the Civil War."
It was created by Aldabert J Volck (signed under a pseudonym for fear of reprisal) and features Abe with an modest afro and dress reminiscent of a Persian warrior(!) complete with a scabbard. The title: "Under The Veil." So yeah, if a fucking white guy named Abraham Lincoln couldn't beat this smear, Obama doesn't have a chance of completely overcoming it.
I was able to find the comic online. Click the first result to download a pdf. The cartoon is on page 14.
Bathing in Bubbly

At the time, it was a humorous exaggeration of how Bank CEOs live. But the news of the decadent retreat by bailed-out AIG execs has rendered it true. The spa they went to had an option on the menu to bathe in white wine while drinking wine for $665. When I drew the comic I considered noting that the guy was bathing in champagne but the the panel was already crowded and it seemed too excessive...
The Fear
As McCain/Palin stoke fears about Obama, they've revealed their base to be packed with despicable paranoid racists. Jeering journalists, shouting racial epithets and clamoring for Obama's head--these people are lunatics who think their party leaders won't explicitly say Obama's a terrorist because the media will jump on them. (Naturally the media is in on this.)
The domestic terrorist that worries me is the insane guy who is going to think his country has been infiltrated by a one-man Kenyan terror cell and it's up to him to stop it.
In Wednesday's cartoon we'll explore Obama's close association with a dangerous man you may have heard of...

Bill Sizemore is a conservative ballot initiative activist here in Oregon and has succeeded in getting numerous measures on the November ballot, including one to strictly limit English as a Second Language Education.
Oct 10, 2008
I know when my impatience through interviews or anything else shows--I know when that happens that some of you may think that I'm just trying to provide job security for Tina Fey. Well...no, it's because I am like you and I wonder too when will the questions be asked and when will we get the answers.She can't answer questions...because she's wondering when questions will be asked and when there will be answers.
The crowd cheered.
Just take it in.
Oct 9, 2008
In Search of the McCain Youth Squad
"Because of John McCain I'm inspired to be the next cantankerous old fart"
"Because of John McCain I'm inspired to be the next Savings and Loan banker"
"Because of John McCain I'm inspired to subtly question people's patriotism"
Omega! Alpha! Omega! Alpha! Omega! Alpha!
Fear Of A Black Planet
A reality is dawning on these idiots: We're about to have a black president. Crowds are becoming increasingly violent; shouts of "Kill 'Em!" and "Treason!"
Oct 8, 2008
Oct 7, 2008
Race Factor

Race woes probably won't cost Obama the election now that our economy is crumbling. I guess Ed Rendell was right about fuchsia colored men. Sometimes people can momentarily put aside their mistrust of black people--all it takes is economic ruin, eight years of Bush and the prospect of a McCain/Palin administration.
Friday: Karma Police
Oct 6, 2008
"In the long run, we are all dead." - Economist John Maynard Keynes (deceased)
The Real Story - Graph Analysis by Matt Bors

But this is wrong. McCain is in the middle of a truly historic master strategy. Below are my predictions for the trend lines through election day. You can see clearly that McCain is creating a silhouette of America with his Net Favorability Rating.

CNN: Call Me.
Everyone is looking for that great way to reach out to voters with a simple message. "It's The Economy, Stupid!" or "It's Morning In America!"
Well, Ed Rendell, Governor of the fine state of Pennsylvania had a great line about Barack and race on This Week Sunday. Worried about it? Shouldn't be. Just use this one on your racist friends. Guaranteed racism buster right here:
Number two, on the issue of race, here is the analogy I give, George. If you’re drowning in the middle of the river and you see a man on the riverbank and he’s got a coil of rope in his hand, you don’t care whether he’s black, white, orange or fuchsia, you don’t care whether he’s Methodist, Jewish or Unitarian. You just care that he’s got a strong right arm that can get that rope out to you in the middle of the river.
And Senator Obama has that strong right arm, he’s got the policies that can turn this country around. And Pennsylvanians are focusing on that.
I like how he compares the action of people in his state pressing a button for a black man to them being near death and realizing they have to set aside their racism for one moment and allow a black person to save them. The only other option is death.
I can see some guy stroking his chin stubble now: "You know, I guess there are some situations where I could tolerate the kindness of a black man. Thanks, Ed."
Why do white people always bust out the non-existent skin tones when they talk about how non-discriminatory they are? If I was drowning in a river and a fuchsia colored Unitarian man offered me some rope I'd choose death. Fuck those dudes.
Couric Vs. Palin

One of the strangest answers Palin gave in the Couric interview was that she reads "all of them" when asked what news media she looks to. All of 'em? Wow.
She obviously is not much of a reader, but couldn't she have said "Oh, Time and Newsweek, Katie. Love 'em." I'm not looking for a scholar here, but I am wondering if we even have a politician with a base-level ability to BS her way through a question that a fourth grader would ask their grandpa for a report on career day without a prepared response.
People were then relieved that she didn't crumble after spouting talking points and exaggerated folk-isms during the
Oh, and a few days later she did come up with an answer: She reads the New York Times, Wall Street Journal and the Economist. There. That wasn't so hard. She even got the added bonus of having the question asked by Carl Cameron of FOX News who could barely conceal his desire to have sex with her.
Wednesday: The Race Factor