Illustration Friday

Bolging (?) that some unnamed persons on the right (shadow enemy used to keep left wing nuts from thinking too much) advocate killing him is nothing more that a lie to try and justify your advocating killing him for the hate America thrill it gives you.In my Bolg post yesterday I linked directly to the video that Matt thinks is a lie. I don't know what else I can do for him expect re-Bolg it here on the Bors Bolg. Kevin H. is another one who doesn't trust my Bolging:
could you please give me your news source for the 100 murdered GITMO detainees? I try to keep myself well informed, and I look at a number of sources each day for news, but that claim is a new one on me - perhaps it that news item came out when I was out camping for a few days.Kevin must have been camping on the Appalachian Trail last year when Lawrence Wilkerson testified to Congress that over 100 detainees died in our custody. Tom Friedman even wrote about it so I consider it squarely within the bounds of the well informed. Kevin goes on to cite a study from the Quarterly Journal for Facts Pulled From Asses:
A study has been done, and 9 out of 10 prisoners agree: It is much better to be subjected to waterboarding and other "enhanced interrogation techniques" like sleep deprivation than it is to be subjected to "enhanced beheading techniques" - such as being beheaded with a jagged butcher knife. Who knew?Everyone focuses on waterboarding as if it is the worst thing we engaged in. But let's look at the causes of death listed on the actual government documents released to the ACLU through a FOIA request..."strangulation," "Multiple gunshot wounds with complications" and "Shotgun wound of the head." Yikes! So yeah, the Taliban is crazy and cuts off heads. In the civilized world we use shotguns.
One fewer countries running this crapfest is good. Doing so because it has the temerity to depict gay acts and male genitalia, rather than because it endangers the lives of your gay citizens, considerably less good.I've gotten a laugh from all my progressive friends who think Brüno will somehow set the gay rights movement back 30 years, but this is taking the fear to whole new level. The movie isn't exactly Milk, but I don't think it was intended to be. A question for CatieCat: Given that Brüno "endangers the lives of gay citizens," would you ideally outlaw screenings in the United States?
Outrage is like a lot of other things that feel good but over time devour us from the inside out. And it’s even more insidious than most vices because we don’t even consciously acknowledge that it’s a pleasure. We prefer think of it as a disagreeable but fundamentally healthy involuntary reaction to negative stimuli thrust upon us by the world we live in, like pain or nausea, rather than admit that it’s a shameful kick we eagerly indulge again and again.Outrage can make for great cartoons. When you look back on them years later, as Kreider notes, they can appear shrill. You've calmed down since then. The immediacy wears off over time. But this medium is about timeliness and the times often call for outrage.
It was not until 1995, when he was again a private citizen, that McNamara published an apologetic memoir, revealing for the first time that he had harbored the gravest doubts about the war that took 58,000 American lives.Were any other lives taken or did the North Vietnamese incur zero casualties with their impenetrable network of hand-dug tunnels? Broder goes on:
Opponents of the war said that if McNamara had made the reason for his "resignation" public at the time, Johnson might have been forced to end the war -- and thousands who died over the next seven years might have been saved.To pay disproportionate attention to American casualties is expected of the media. To claim the death toll of the last seven years in Vietnam is measured in the "thousands" is simply inaccurate and inhuman. Does Broder or his editors think they have any responsibility to accurately characterize the death toll of a major war? Perhaps only the 4,000 American deaths are worth mentioning in the Iraq War.
Bruce Beattie Daytona Beach News-Journal Jul 8, 2009 |
I don't really care if the strip wasn't supposed to be offensive, I'm tired of people portraying Peta members as whiny pussies. I may be sensitive towards animals, but that doesn't mean any jackass with a tired ass joke and an internet outlet can generalize me and not get a mouthful. Here is Peta's actual statement. Fact check next time? =]I admire Maria standing up for herself and I have to own up here: I completely distorted PETA's response. They did not refer to the fly as "Morty Druckler." I made that name up along with all of his background information. I'm sorry if anyone was misled.
I luv Obama. U can't always be conscious about everything all the time. He had a lapse in judgement. I myself ask flies to leave me alone. If 1 lands on me I ask it "Hey can u find another place to perch Mr. or Ms. Fly?"but I'm a lovey dovey15 yr old.He was in the middle of an ineterview. It must be hard to go from "Mr.Prez mode" to "I luv you fly mode"Let's all try to spend more time in "I luv you fly mode".