National Anthem Remixed

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The number of pints of blood in the average human body = 10Currently, it's at 173, 994.
The number of gallons of blood in the average human body (8 pints per gallon) = 1.33
The estimated number of gallons of blood lost by an injured person = .25
The number of gallons in a BARREL OF OIL = 42
AFTER a burglar broke into caricaturist Bill "Weg" Green's Heathmont home on Sunday, it took the 82-year-old just seconds to draw his attacker.
Fifteen minutes later, patrolling police caught a suspect — and Mr Green's drawing proved they had the right man.
Just went thru cartoons posted on MSN regarding the Alito Supreme Court nomination. While I am an independent who considers himself a moderate and most certainly no fan of George W. Bush I must say about your supposed cartoon, I am not sure whether you a trying to make a social comment or be funny, but you fall woefully short on both counts. You do manage however to show a complete lack of any taste and waste the public's time by reading that rag you drew.I love how since he doesn't like the comic it's a "supposed cartoon".
-Timothy E. Smith
jr. high art work. Go back to school and learn to draw.
You left wing zealots are really incredible! A child cannot even get an aspirin without the parent’s consent….and yet you’re all for them being able to get an abortion without mom and dad even knowing what’s going on. Go figure!
If America knew what goes on in an abortion…it would be illegal and punishable by prison in a matter of weeks. Just try doing one of those to a dog and see what happens to you.