
"It seems that the pattern of my political career…I have experienced this pattern on several occasions in the course of my political life, where people invite me in, and then they kill me, they invite me in, and then they kill me, they invite me in and then they kill me…I kind of represent, in political terms, the abortion."
Pope Benedict XVI on Wednesday told U.S. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, a Catholic who supports abortion rights, that Catholic politicians have a duty to protect life "at all stages of its development," the Vatican said.Then they drew attention to the post-larval adult stage of human development, blasting the U.S. for its support of the death penalty. He reminded judges and politicians that it is their duty to oppose the death penalty at all costs, reading a long list of names of all Catholics that serve in public office. "You should be ashamed!" he bellowed, causing his large hat to shift about his head.
A number of the bishops in the United States have questioned Pelosi's stance on abortion, particularly her theological defense of her support for abortion rights.
While noting her stance on abortion, much of their time was spent lavishing praise on Pelosi for her belief in evolution, opposition to the death penalty and child molestation, as well as her support of the poor through social programs--all in line with Catholic church doctrine. "It's just amazing how in touch she is with the theological justifications for all of these wonderful things." said Cardinal O'Rhorty. "We spend so much time railing against conservatives for their un-Jesusy beliefs--it's nice to meet someone who is so close to our core beliefs."
Actually, I'm making all that up.
Sure Bush was and [sic] idiot, but you are idiotically as far to the Left as the idiot Bush was to the right. Additionally, your inability to see the dangers of collectivist socialism borders on infantile. My guess is you have no nut-sack. Your comics are complete drivel. I read them for a few weeks and then I put them in the category of Peanuts, not worthy of any intelligent person's time.Ah, yes. Peanuts. I feel ashamed being put in the category of that widely derided failure of a strip.
Just a quick comment about today's strip. I find it humorous that you included a crossed out "colored" in the RNC chairman block, when nobody in this country can figure out that until we all get on the same page with race issues, nothing is going to change. In fact, isn't it ironic that we now have Black America and White America and it's racist for a white man to refer to a black man as "colored" when the largest group for "black rights" is the National Association for the Advancement of COLORED People?Do you really want them to change their name to The National Association for the Advancement of African-American People? That's way too many A's.
The Los Angeles-based artist and his company, Obey Giant Art Inc., used the AP photograph “as a visual reference for a highly transformative purpose,” according to the complaint. “Fairey altered the original with new meaning, new expression and new messages.”He'll win.
The AP, which claimed on Feb. 4 that Fairey’s image infringed the company’s copyright, threatened to sue Fairey by tomorrow, according to the complaint. The AP said it used “special technology” to determine the image’s original source
"Special Technology." Uh huh. You mean Google Images?
David Cohen Asheville Citizen-Times Feb 9, 2009 |
Hannity: Maybe this is naive. Maybe I'm living in a fantasy land. Maybe I need to live in Disney. Because if you're our president, tell me the truth. We lived with a president recently that didn't tell us the truth.
Whoopi: Yeah, but you guys defended this cat for--
Hannity: I'm talking about Clinton.
Whoopi: I'm talking about Mr. Bush.
Hannity: George Bush didn't lie.
Whoopi: [shocked expression gives way to hysterical laughter.]
A recent political cartoon in The Record, a newspaper in Hackensack, N.J., shows rats fleeing a sinking ship, labeled “Wall Street,” with treasure chests held aloft tagged “CEO” and “Bonus.” There are “I Hate Investment Banking” T-shirts for sale online. Last week on “The Daily Show,” Jon Stewart rolled a clip of John A. Thain, Merrill Lynch’s chief executive, defending bonuses as a way to keep “your best people.”John Stewart gets the name drop but not the cartoonist. (It's Jimmy Margulies, by the way.) Bob Scheiffer did this around the election with a Nick Anderson cartoon he thought was fantastic but just couldn't be bothered to identify.
The Republican Party leadership in its latest act of self-immolation appointed, Michael Steele, a radical Black racist as the leader of the Party.Very cogent analysis, David. I'm sure you love the new president.
He has a burning lust inside him to rule the world; he is churning in all his rage against God; he is the son of the Devil himself; and he will be energized mightily to carry out this plan to rule the world and fight against Christ and his Church.Well argued! But let's move on to a more serious scholar...
You are Barack, oh, son born to deceive"Nylon wings of hope..."
The suffering hoards of Africa look up to you,
See a black saviour where nought but a Judas strides.
An entrapper of nations, bringer of dismal war
Behind the robes and the nylon wings of hope
Oh, may those who look upon you, see you as you are.